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选择操作: 种子下载 | 加入收藏 |
文件名: ZiJingBT.Matlab R2015a.torrent
种子名称: Matlab R2015a
信息: 大小: 7.35 GB | 文件数: 2 | Info Hash: b960b9c039754fbbc010c599a4b31803decebd9b
类别: 软件 | lizhe (退休工人 WALL·E) 上传于 2015-03-24 14:59:33
活跃度: 做种(1)/下载(0) | 完成下载 (1144) (最近一次活动时间 2020-11-21 17:28:56 / 种子活动时间 2020-11-21 17:28:56)
内容简介: 注意:安装完成之后软件界面为英文,如果需要中文的软件可能要再等等。


Mathworks在2015年3月发布了MATLAB R2015a正式版,在新版本中,带有四个新的工具箱,79个产品进行更新.

R2015a (版本 8.5) – 发行时间 2015年3月5日

MATLAB 2015a 中的许多新功能都是在 R2014b 的功能基础上升级而来的,其中包括大数据增强功能、新的硬件支持,以及多种自定义工具箱的集成文档。

New Features:

Release notes

Documentation: Integrate documentation for custom toolboxes into the MATLAB Help Browser
Documentation: Determine when feature introduced
Array Size Limit: Limit maximum array size to prevent unintended creation of very large matrices
Tab Completion: Complete class properties and methods while editing class definition files
User Interface Preferences: Control user interface language

Language and Programming
repelem Function: Repeat copies of array elements to create a larger array
sort Function: Now preserves shape of cell array of string inputs
isenum Function: Determine if variable is enumeration
milliseconds Function: Convert duration to number of milliseconds
Publishing Markup: Include external file content
fullfile Function: Maintain all double-dot symbols
Python Objects: Indexing Support
Python Version 3.4: MATLAB Support
MATLAB Engine for Python: Support for startup options
MATLAB Engine for Python: Support for Unicode in Python 2.7
Conversion of Character Arrays to Java Strings: Preserve null characters
WSDL Web Services Documents: Limitations
Unit Testing Framework: Tag tests for categorization and selection
Unit Testing Framework: Run tests in parallel
Unit Testing Framework: Share variables between tests in scripts
Unit Testing Framework: Use prebuilt test fixtures
Unit Testing Framework: Compare objects using isequaln
Unit Testing Framework: Use homogeneous expected causes with Throws constraint
Git Source Control Integration: View branch details and delete branches
C Matrix Library: New functions
Functionality being removed or changed

discretize Function: Group numeric data into bins or categories
Descriptive Statistics: Omit NaN values in basic statistical calculations, including max, min, mean, median, sum, var, std, and cov
ismembertol and uniquetol Functions: Perform set comparisons using a tolerance
Random Numbers: Generate random numbers using the double-precision, SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (dSFMT) algorithm
nearestNeighbor Function: Determine nearest alphaShape boundary point
Functionality being removed or changed

Data Import and Export
Datastore: Read one complete file with 'file' option for ReadSize property
Datastore: Read data in parallel from a datastore with partition function using Parallel Computing Toolbox
webwrite Function: Send data to RESTful Web services using HTTP POST method
webread and websave Functions: Request data from RESTful Web services using HTTP POST method
xlsread and readtable Functions: Read larger spreadsheet files from Excel software
textscan and readtable Functions: Return consistent results when reading quoted strings
Scientific File Format Libraries: Upgrades
Functionality being removed or changed

drawnow Function: Improve performance in animation loops with new option
Functionality being removed or changed

MapReduce: Run mapreduce algorithms on any computer cluster that supports parallel pools using MATLAB Distributed Computing Server
Interpolation Functions: Execute faster with multithreaded calculations

Hardware Support
IP camera: Acquire video directly from Internet Protocol cameras
BeagleBone Black Hardware: Access BeagleBone Black hardware with the MATLAB Support Package for BeagleBone Black Hardware
Arduino Hardware: Access to Arduino Leonardo and other boards with the MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware
Arduino Hardware: New configurePin function
Functionality being removed or changed


as usual we offer two modes of installation:

1) standalone:
- install choosing the option "Use a File Installation Key" and supply the following FIK
- select the products you would like to install
- after the installation finishes copy the folders %crackdir%\{bin,java,toolbox} to %installdir% overwriting the originally installed files
- the installer does not create shortcuts or program groups, so you will have to manually create them or just start matlab via
(on first run the activation assistant will pop up, choose "activate without internet" and point to the license file %crackdir%\lic_standalone.dat)

2) floating license (network license server):
- install choosing the option "Use a File Installation Key" and supply the following FIK
- select the products you would like to install (be sure to select the license manager!)
- when asked for license file point the installer to the file %crackdir%\lic_server.dat
- after the installation finishes copy the folders %crackdir%\{bin,etc,java,toolbox} to %installdir% overwriting the originally installed files
(make sure the license server isn't running yet !)
- start the license server via lmtool or by cmd-line

have fun !
感谢者: 冰墨魂, 葛荣存, yleaves, liusss, tlhmjxnj94, 仲夏夜之梦, jasonmraz, dabailingling, xinmaonian, floyd, silvia18, 小木鱼, vergelian, 慢雾, Leeski222, guoruijun, Leuckart, 小强要努力, 清天, hashao, Raziel, 丫丫亭子, 091150073, Christine_zxz, 翔仔, pengjx, 大悍牛, yijiu, ForeverNow, 云中君, sven—god, todx, 细风, yingxx, ddayatom, hughyanle, jeremy58, 道繇聿崇, Holk, 风信子, Neroldy, 九章天问, kevinme, G51, wlk, mojifeng, RockSam, Hsinchu, 天之痕苏, tsyw, 语惜洛, Tsinger, TingTing, 月影天涯, mg1022065, MGYangBM, 873357787, jzwh9703, ljjyyy666699999, 大橙子, 夕中X2, lsl666, lxs951020, 琛珏, hechaocheng, Arron1990, b111120231, fengxibin, abc925869, 追梦之旅, zamlty, End得儿, 凌狼龙剑, harrykkk, frozenmaple, zhengfaxiang, 风卷残云, cp3peng, CheshireCat, lijun, 张扬
(已有 81 人表达了感谢)



评论 #100079 由 111120024 (广大站友) 于 2015-03-24 17:59:35 发表 [回复] [引用] 1 楼
评论 #100081 由 lizhe (退休工人 WALL·E) 于 2015-03-24 18:43:49 发表 [回复] [引用] 2 楼
------ 回复: 111120024(#100079) ------
应该可以,官方的System Requirements:
评论 #100182 由 111120024 (广大站友) 于 2015-03-27 19:26:10 发表 [回复] [引用] 3 楼
------ 回复: lizhe(#100081) ------
评论 #100262 由 lxww301 (广大站友) 于 2015-03-30 12:17:46 发表 [回复] [引用] 4 楼
谁知道%crackdir%\{bin,java,toolbox} 在哪吗?
评论 #100263 由 lxww301 (广大站友) 于 2015-03-30 12:20:14 发表 [回复] [引用] 5 楼
评论 #100327 由 大橙子 (广大站友) 于 2015-04-01 11:06:59 发表 [回复] [引用] 6 楼
------ 回复: lxww301(#100262) ------
评论 #100609 由 风一长回 (广大站友) 于 2015-04-11 00:16:27 发表 [回复] [引用] 7 楼
点开set-up 需要激活码什么鬼
评论 #100731 由 语惜洛 (广大站友) 于 2015-04-14 16:23:09 发表 [回复] [引用] 8 楼
激活不了啊,一直提示illegal code
评论 #100733 由 语惜洛 (广大站友) 于 2015-04-14 16:37:04 发表 [回复] [引用] 9 楼
评论 #100778 由 scl (广大站友) 于 2015-04-16 01:26:04 发表 [回复] [引用] 10 楼
为什么找不到%crackdir%\{bin,java,toolbox} ……可不可以有人告诉我在哪里><
评论 #101229 由 自酌自饮 (广大站友) 于 2015-05-01 15:49:49 发表 [回复] [引用] 11 楼
评论 #101843 由 woshishui12 (广大站友) 于 2015-05-18 23:48:00 发表 [回复] [引用] 12 楼
评论 #102082 由 一只小鸟 (广大站友) 于 2015-05-24 20:07:58 发表 [回复] [引用] 13 楼
评论 #102962 由 南宫枫瑶 (广大站友) 于 2015-06-20 00:20:15 发表 [回复] [引用] 14 楼
评论 #103466 由 狼月 (广大站友) 于 2015-07-06 22:45:03 发表 [回复] [引用] 15 楼
评论 #103520 由 田存哲 (广大站友) 于 2015-07-09 13:09:11 发表 [回复] [引用] 16 楼
评论 #103889 由 张彪 (广大站友) 于 2015-08-25 09:38:28 发表 [回复] [引用] 17 楼
评论 #104249 由 zxf (广大站友) 于 2015-09-09 23:04:31 发表 [回复] [引用] 18 楼
评论 #104853 由 Becky_93 (广大站友) 于 2015-10-07 21:19:33 发表 [回复] [引用] 19 楼
为什么我会有“License Manager Error -8”的错误,大家有谁有吗?
评论 #104976 由 Becky_93 (广大站友) 于 2015-10-10 15:23:09 发表 [回复] [引用] 20 楼
评论 #109195 由 15950561594 (广大站友) 于 2016-02-24 21:58:14 发表 [回复] [引用] 21 楼
%crackdir%\{bin,java,toolbox}   是什么意思
评论 #109394 由 邵丽蓉 (广大站友) 于 2016-03-01 14:24:10 发表 [回复] [引用] 22 楼
------ 回复: Becky_93(#104853) ------
评论 #111114 由 moneyli (广大站友) 于 2016-05-03 19:41:10 发表 [回复] [引用] 23 楼


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2015-11-13 17:49:50
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商菁华 2015-11-04 23:02:05
shekwang 2015-11-03 16:25:42
ZY20180415 2015-11-02 17:20:16
111120024 2015-10-29 18:35:04
大苦瓜 2015-10-28 18:51:51
ZY20180415 2015-10-28 16:18:38
wlwko 2015-10-28 14:25:32
忘川水 2015-10-27 20:04:19
ZKM 2015-10-27 12:43:32
jkqxw20 2015-10-27 09:56:19
REALwang 2015-10-26 21:25:57
loveinbluesky 2015-10-26 20:18:07
cjfranklin 2015-10-26 17:05:52
jkqxw20 2015-10-26 16:59:15
2011jiangzhou 2015-10-25 22:33:27
十六个桃子 2015-10-25 21:10:21
xyyeinstein 2015-10-25 17:10:21
啦啦啦啦1 2015-10-25 17:06:45
柚子啊 2015-10-25 14:59:00
2015-10-25 14:34:30
阿颖 2015-10-25 10:55:17
zhanghaowa 2015-10-24 23:16:08
xc1016 2015-10-24 22:44:33
水墨 2015-10-24 22:16:59
rainson 2015-10-24 15:17:15
matnoise 2015-10-22 19:35:10
柚子啊 2015-10-22 17:31:18
wangjimi1993 2015-10-22 17:22:08
蛋蛋。 2015-10-22 11:30:42
lzx9307 2015-10-22 09:48:40
漫步云端 2015-10-20 15:36:49
holmes 2015-10-20 13:19:27
xc1016 2015-10-19 23:19:31
文洋 2015-10-19 16:21:16
水水竹子 2015-10-16 20:51:17
CriminalGin 2015-10-16 16:05:43
星辰影语 2015-10-15 19:35:04
wufankun 2015-10-15 16:36:51
shaoulj 2015-10-15 13:51:30
15520065137 2015-10-15 12:13:37
ccstaff 2015-10-15 09:34:07
初初初 2015-10-14 23:54:43
翔仔 2015-10-14 17:48:51
winters24 2015-10-14 17:22:25
534683370 2015-10-14 13:35:09
nju_NuLL 2015-10-13 21:11:15
煲粥 2015-10-13 20:52:22
DiaoyuIslands 2015-10-13 13:56:30
刘杰 2015-10-13 11:07:34
沁雨微凉 2015-10-12 18:30:55
高长恭 2015-10-12 18:02:41
2015-10-12 17:53:55
riquelme 2015-10-12 17:18:14
111180192 2015-10-12 11:05:45
chaselight 2015-10-11 21:22:14
zhangxiaofan 2015-10-11 16:35:25
委心任去留 2015-10-10 18:57:47
shaoulj 2015-10-10 14:59:43
LJF3731 2015-10-10 11:13:16
Astrid 2015-10-10 10:31:13
2015-10-08 16:22:21
qw1456 2015-10-08 13:35:13
vinh 2015-10-08 13:10:09
且听风吟 2015-10-08 10:52:52
Becky_93 2015-10-07 19:27:50
追梦少年 2015-10-07 13:51:46
jshenx 2015-10-06 12:35:44
yan雨虹桥 2015-10-05 20:50:33
pengjx 2015-10-04 16:37:07
zjm95818 2015-10-01 13:18:21
静茹pig 2015-10-01 01:51:02
zjm95818 2015-09-30 17:38:16
Hobo 2015-09-29 22:02:39
SilenceKevine 2015-09-27 13:07:52
zhr1201 2015-09-26 02:14:02
Quafe 2015-09-26 01:28:23
鬼叔 2015-09-25 20:42:44
space123 2015-09-25 13:24:45
zjxhl0812 2015-09-24 23:44:59
star0yjw 2015-09-24 19:59:18
linyx 2015-09-24 19:56:29
yllyqgq 2015-09-24 19:15:42
还一个苹果 2015-09-24 18:59:26
xtsunf 2015-09-24 18:54:04
Bilibili-OvO 2015-09-24 18:22:01
shiamaim 2015-09-24 17:28:01
银八唧 2015-09-24 16:41:52
bigzhang 2015-09-24 15:34:31
2015-09-24 10:21:08
wangxixue 2015-09-24 09:12:54
glion000 2015-09-22 21:13:50
yukinana 2015-09-22 21:04:19
米什么 2015-09-22 20:13:49
大悍牛 2015-09-22 18:08:41
王志 2015-09-22 17:06:41
weixiao2014 2015-09-22 15:57:34
aac 2015-09-22 15:24:32
thegod116 2015-09-21 09:17:37
2015-09-21 00:34:23
wenwenwen1314 2015-09-20 22:59:11
ameng 2015-09-20 13:30:59
白司悦 2015-09-20 13:02:33
hunt 2015-09-20 11:58:04
swzay 2015-09-20 10:46:41
xgy931210 2015-09-20 09:39:31
〇蛙居士 2015-09-20 09:25:51
fxxx 2015-09-20 08:08:06
bulala321 2015-09-20 00:18:25
Linzy 2015-09-19 22:20:42
petrus 2015-09-19 21:14:00
FIFA1987 2015-09-19 20:04:40
Lyon 2015-09-19 19:36:16
2015-09-17 17:57:53
khaled 2015-09-17 17:38:35
嘟声后留言 2015-09-17 16:29:31
815979699 2015-09-17 14:58:53
seasy 2015-09-17 14:28:26
evcho 2015-09-17 13:38:38
入殓师 2015-09-14 22:43:45
No_another 2015-09-13 17:58:49
昆仑一哥 2015-09-13 16:59:43
10090087 2015-09-13 16:32:43
wangyun2070 2015-09-13 15:22:55
huii 2015-09-13 14:36:40
Becky_93 2015-09-13 14:08:59
朱学艺 2015-09-13 13:16:46
angus 2015-09-13 01:04:14
angus 2015-09-11 21:11:20
libobo 2015-09-11 20:55:58
tom6981588 2015-09-11 12:43:07
再见_小黄人 2015-09-11 11:11:29
sybaimin 2015-09-11 10:19:14
nice0114 2015-09-11 09:51:04
AverageJ 2015-09-11 09:41:44
ZKM 2015-09-10 21:24:38
yijiu 2015-09-10 20:48:06
Linzy 2015-09-10 20:39:22
sxf19930507 2015-09-10 20:00:54
miemieC 2015-09-10 16:40:57
Jacky 2015-09-10 16:19:24
海边的C 2015-09-10 12:17:25
youyangli 2015-09-10 10:13:17
2015-09-10 09:54:53
smartgis 2015-09-09 22:55:27
zxf 2015-09-09 22:33:59
lihaoyang 2015-09-09 22:29:10
浮云炒饭 2015-09-09 22:16:49
zyxsdzlhl 2015-09-09 22:13:41
alferd 2015-09-09 19:46:50
吴胜蓝 2015-09-09 19:37:47
2015-09-09 19:13:25
jshenx 2015-09-09 17:56:36
lufenghai 2015-09-09 17:36:38
物院小西 2015-09-09 16:27:20
catcther 2015-09-09 16:24:37
幻光 2015-09-09 16:18:29
supersilencechen 2015-09-09 15:59:48
vii531 2015-09-09 15:16:59
2015-09-09 14:23:48
MadSnake 2015-09-09 14:03:38
rolo 2015-09-09 13:59:23
liemk 2015-09-09 13:40:00
ruofei717 2015-09-09 12:42:30
张显 2015-09-09 12:27:46
clare 2015-09-09 11:18:27
XiaoJiaoMao 2015-09-09 09:45:59
LiRa 2015-09-08 19:40:18
mazhenjun1991 2015-09-08 13:19:48
2015-09-08 11:10:07
依仁云凡 2015-09-08 10:38:21
jpy 2015-09-08 09:47:36
SLiNa老衲 2015-09-08 00:18:54
滢婆 2015-09-07 23:28:03
呼呼呼呼~~~~ 2015-09-07 19:02:08
RIFFF 2015-09-07 16:20:50
nulldai 2015-09-07 12:10:04
liui 2015-09-07 11:03:07
君临天下 2015-09-07 10:09:18
2015-09-06 23:20:28
wyq 2015-09-06 22:05:10
火纹刀砾 2015-09-06 20:03:58
bingyu0518 2015-09-06 18:38:22
难说 2015-09-06 17:55:55
云中君 2015-09-05 13:44:31
肉卷 2015-09-05 12:31:21
jiansheng 2015-09-05 12:09:55
young 2015-09-05 11:10:12
Amox 2015-09-05 10:14:51
2015-09-04 15:44:26
Neroldy 2015-09-04 15:24:53
常昕瑜 2015-09-04 13:11:06
半步云霄 2015-09-04 12:54:52
倒霉卡饭 2015-09-04 11:27:22
雪染菊理 2015-09-04 09:38:35
赵祥峰 2015-09-03 12:33:21
沉鸢 2015-09-03 00:29:41
hj_like 2015-09-02 19:23:45
ZZZsleeping 2015-09-02 18:13:06
十月 2015-09-02 17:36:09
SpongeBob91 2015-09-02 16:07:13
紫夜 2015-09-02 15:45:25
lostpoem 2015-09-02 11:42:24
maryao 2015-09-02 10:52:00
dalec 2015-09-02 10:50:25
剑影术魂 2015-09-02 00:10:13
夜行 2015-09-01 23:56:29
最佳配角L 2015-09-01 22:34:00
vii531 2015-09-01 22:09:33
土豆儿 2015-09-01 22:02:07
梅球王m10 2015-09-01 21:48:52
zhujiale 2015-09-01 19:12:28
Evanyoung 2015-09-01 14:56:17
涂鸦 2015-09-01 13:58:31
2015-09-01 13:21:44