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[群星 - 《滚石》史上最伟大的一百张专辑][V.A. - Rolling Stones Top 500 Albums of All Time 1-100][2010 List][FLAC]

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文件名: ZiJingBT.Rolling Stones Top 500 Albums of All Time 1-100 (2010 List).torrent
种子名称: Rolling Stones Top 500 Albums of All Time 1-100 (2010 List)
信息: 大小: 40.15 GB | 文件数: 1923 | Info Hash: 3eacf556ec25cfc97c7cfdad14e8530b80e813da
类别: 音乐 (欧美) | dreamwalker (退休工人) 上传于 2014-11-24 17:32:56
活跃度: 做种(5)/下载(2) | 完成下载 (199) (最近一次活动时间 2020-11-24 14:21:18 / 种子活动时间 2020-11-24 14:21:18)
内容简介: image

"The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time" is a 2003 special issue of American magazine Rolling Stone, and a related book published in 2005.[1] The lists presented were compiled based on votes from selected rock musicians, critics, and industry figures, and predominantly feature British and American music from the 1960s and 1970s. From 2007 onwards, the magazine published similarly titled lists in other countries around the world.

In 2012, Rolling Stone published a revised edition of the list drawing on the original and a later survey of albums in the 2000s.[2] It was made available in "bookazine" format on newsstands in the US from April 27 to July 25.
感谢者: ssmzr, gmy_acoustics, zyx51180, Leuckart, fzz, 葛荣存, KingArthur_chn, 泠泠七弦上, RichardYin, 若拙, 逐梦少年, 杨氏之子奕, buluotoo, Fatticat, chiefK, SmallKing, rai, jasonmraz, vergelian, binfenga, hashao, Clastro, 泠然入七弦, jinxiluoqq, imagine4077, qf129, bl0548, 追梦之旅, appcell, xrxtzzrandom, 冰墨魂, harrykkk, Hsinchu, 091220076, Bianc, shawthink, Neroldy, 月华蝶舞, CheshireCat, Arron1990, 风卷残云, 030303, 凌狼龙剑
(已有 43 人表达了感谢)



评论 #96208 由 lizhe (退休工人 WALL·E) 于 2014-11-24 22:26:02 发表 [回复] [引用] 1 楼
评论 #96213 由 dreamwalker (退休工人) 于 2014-11-24 22:46:54 发表 [回复] [引用] 2 楼
------ 回复: lizhe(#96208) ------
评论 #99885 由 hzhang (广大站友) 于 2015-03-19 09:49:22 发表 [回复] [引用] 3 楼
评论 #100460 由 imagine4077 (广大站友) 于 2015-04-06 16:57:13 发表 [回复] [引用] 4 楼
评论 #118861 由 lovejane (广大站友) 于 2017-04-29 21:41:13 发表 [回复] [引用] 5 楼


完成下载 (199) - (只显示最近的 500 个完成)

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