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[阿尔及尔之战][La.battaglia.di.Algeri.1966.720p.Bluray.FLAC1.0.x264-DON][剧情/战争][CC标准收藏版][IMDB TOP计划]

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文件名: ZiJingBT.La.battaglia.di.Algeri.1966.720p.Bluray.FLAC1.0.x264-DON.torrent
种子名称: La.battaglia.di.Algeri.1966.720p.Bluray.FLAC1.0.x264-DON
信息: 大小: 6.78 GB | 文件数: 1 | Info Hash: 3f029957c6ec416785edc30d0006a16a6432674d
类别: 电影 (720p) | Sawer (贵宾 劳模™@DreamHD组组长:怪侠一枝梅) 上传于 2014-05-07 16:29:34
活跃度: 做种(0)/下载(0) | 完成下载 (43) (最近一次活动时间 2020-11-22 20:35:18 / 种子活动时间 2020-01-20 05:25:05)
IMDb: 无效 [少于 5 人投票] (最近一次更新时间 2020-02-14 13:26:48)
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eng: La.battaglia.di.Algeri.1966.720p.Bluray.FLAC1.0.x264-DON.eng.srt (spirit96)
内容简介: Sawer:
本资源已加入IMDB TOP250计划,望各位下完多多保种


中文名: 阿尔及尔之战
英文名: The Battle of Algiers
发行日期: 1966年
地区: 法国
语言: 法语
导 演: Gillo Pontecorvo
主 演: Mohamed Ben Kassen Fusia El Kader Brahim Haggiag Michele Kerbash Samia Kerbash Jean Martin Franco Morici Tommaso Neri
上 映: 1967年03月13日 ( 瑞典 )更多地区
地 区: 意大利 阿尔及利亚 ( 拍摄地 )
对 白: 法语
评 分: 8.4/10( 1119票 ) 详细
颜 色: 黑白
时 长: 117 分钟
类 型: 剧情 战争
分 级: 美国:Unrated 瑞典:15 英国:15 西班牙:18 芬兰:K-16 英国:18 英国:X 法国:-12
IMDB评分: 8.2/10 from 26,397 users   Top250#219


One of the most influential political films in history, The Battle of Algiers, by Gillo Pontecorvo, vividly re-creates a key year in the tumultuous Algerian struggle for independence from the occupying French in the 1950s. As violence escalates on both sides, children shoot soldiers at point-blank range, women plant bombs in cafés, and French soldiers resort to torture to break the will of the insurgents. Shot on the streets of Algiers in documentary style, the film is a case study in modern warfare, with its terrorist attacks and the brutal techniques used to combat them. Pontecorvo’s tour de force has astonishing relevance today.

Gillo Pontecorvo's presents a harrowing, documentary-style depiction of the Algerian's people's struggle to liberate themselves from France between 1954 and 1962. The film creates a stunning illusion of realism by combining actual newsreel footage with staged sequences featuring amateur and professional actors playing characters based on real people (including Saadi Yacef, the one-time leader of the FLN in occupied Algiers). With it's depiction of political torture and violence retaining every bit of the impact they had upon the film's original release, THE BATTLE FOR ALGIERS was re-released theatrically in 2003 to great acclaim and reevaluation. Winner of 11 International Film awards.

"The Battle of Algiers" was the first feature film produced in Algeria by Algerians (although the director and much of the film's crew were Italian). Screened at 1966 Venice Film Festival. Production companies: Igor Film (Rome) and Casbah Films (Algiers). Distribution company: Magna Films. Academy Award Nominations: Best Director, Best (Original) Story and Screenplay.

   电影叫<阿尔及利亚之战>,英文片名是The Battle of Algiers,导演吉洛.庞提柯沃,拍摄于1967年,以阿尔及利亚争取独立为背景,讲述了在阿尔及利亚这座城市里,地下运动组织“民族解放阵线”同法国殖民者的殊死搏斗。我看到的是重新发行的《阿尔及利亚之战标准收藏版》,基本上还原了影片的真实原貌,要知道当年他在美国和英国上映的时候删减了15分钟,而在法国干脆是禁映,这次我们可以从画面中真实地目睹大量的恐怖主义攻击,和法军的无情反击。法国最后并没有在军事上失败,在恐怖残暴的“阿尔及利亚之战”中甚至还获得了军事胜利,但法国最终却被迫退出阿尔及利亚,实在是政治上的失败。
   简单说一下本片导演杰罗.庞泰科沃。1919年生于比萨,曾经做过法国导演尤亚克莱的副导演,1955年由他执导的《Giovanna》在威尼斯影展获得好评,1957年与马雷堤合导《蓝色的海》,1960年导演了《零点地带》。1967年,其自编自导的《阿尔及尔之战》轰动全球,囊获了第27届威尼斯电影节金狮奖,并得到奥斯卡最佳外语片提名,1969年得到奥斯卡最佳导演和最佳原著剧本奖的提名。本片继承和遵循了意大利新现实主义电影的拍摄风格,画面粗糙,有着饱满的颗粒感,趋向于纪事片的气质.顺便说一句,该片的原声音乐作者是意大利的Ennio Morricone,他最让国人熟知的活儿就是<海上钢琴师>的配乐,本片的音乐同样精彩,跟电影一样扣人心弦.





La battaglia di Algeri 1966 2011 720p Bluray FLAC1.0 x264-DON

This highly political film about the Algerian struggle for independence from France took "Best Film" honors at the 1966 Venice Film Festival. The bulk of the film is shot in flashback, presented as the memories of Ali (Brahim Haggiag), a leading member of the Algerian Front de Liberation Nationale (FLN), when finally captured by the French in 1957. Three years earlier, Ali was a petty thief who joined the secretive organization in order to help rid the Casbah of vice associated with the colonial government. The film traces the rebels' struggle and the increasingly extreme measures taken by the French government to quell what soon becomes a nationwide revolt. After the flashback, Ali and the last of the FLN leaders are killed, and the film takes on a more general focus, leading to the declaration of Algerian independence in 1962.


RUNTIME...........: 2h:01m:39s
RELEASE SIZE......: 6.78 GB
VIDEO CODEC.......: x264, 2pass, L4.1
VIDEO BITRATE.....: 7500 Kbps
RESOLUTION........: 1280 X 688
FRAMERATE.........: 23.976 fps
AUDIO.............: French FLACVariable
SUBS..............: English (.srt).
CHAPTERS..........: Yes.
SOURCE............: La.battaglia.di.Algeri.1966.CC.Blu-ray.1080p.AVC.LPCM.1.0-CHDBits
ENCODER...........: raphaex
RELEASE DATE......: 25/08/2011

x264 INFO:

x264 [info]: profile High, level 4.1
x264 [info]: frame I:979Avg QP:21.21size: 99095
x264 [info]: frame P:35333 Avg QP:23.19size: 46056
x264 [info]: frame B:138702 Avg QP:24.19size: 36904
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames:1.5%1.4%6.9% 11.9% 13.6% 56.3%5.7%2.7%
encoded 175014 frames, 6.41 fps, 7499.59 kb/s
感谢者: 葛荣存, IcRe, justintimberlake, zhengfaxiang, 佐小缘, Arthur, qf129, vergelian, hashao, 风卷残云, Ceeotaku, oubeichen, 胡子岩, 七彩乱码, sherlockwesker, funkylt, jasonmraz, AYOYO, Hsinchu, zhumyww1, 131180025, 159357agtm, lijun, osram, chiefhu1023, 云中君, harrykkk, 冰墨魂, xinmaonian, smallL, Neroldy, Arron1990, 030303, leiothrix, 追梦之旅, dreamwalker
(已有 36 人表达了感谢)

