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ZiJingBT.[BYRBT].SPSS_Statistics_22_win64.exe.torrent |
种子名称: |
SPSS_Statistics_22_win64.exe |
信息: |
774.50 MB | 文件数:
1 | Info Hash:
fc9eb747957c857000ddace531ef46a358eb835b |
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软件 | 由 lsl666 (退休工人 Mr. Camel) 上传于 2014-03-20 11:50:07 |
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做种(1)/下载(0) | 完成下载 (2356) (最近一次活动时间 2020-11-24 14:03:22 / 种子活动时间 2020-11-24 14:03:22) |
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内容简介: |
SPSS 22.0 x64 最新版 多国语言版本(包括简体中文) (注意:SPSS版本已经更新到22)
IBM SPSS Statistics is an integrated family of products that addresses the entire analytical process from planning to data collection to analysis reporting and deployment. With more than a dozen fully integrated modules to choose from you can find the specialized capabilities you need to increase revenue outperform competitors conduct research and make better decisions.
File: D:\Downloads\Research\IBM.SPSS.Statistics.v22.x64-EQUiNOX\SPSS_Statistics_22_win64.exe Size: 812131760 bytes File Version: Modified: 2013年9月6日 17:05:23 MD5: 490F47F1E1A20469E499C7A75AAC4385 SHA1: 4EF5857000F97A07FB55788BEC72D673963B462F CRC32: 8E908A56
- enter the following license code using the License Authorization Wizard: 9DNCAF2O3QVDV7FBIO696OO6GWLNXZPPRYTPWF2PPX7C8T6Y24LMVV2ET7DOLX5CXAL5YDLL79UPGEFCPDXP5Q8O5E |
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芬巴洛尔, 葛荣存, 宇宙之大yu, 蛰伏, 流觞落雨, Hermione11, Mary111, yuke4500mg, dbh1992, _昱夏, Carrie, 我是小法, 131099124, 天空依旧, 风花雪月yy, zyjy0418, upyoung, hannibal, 知更鸟, cax , wzx95, 董贤, Dualist, 语默sylvia, 紫翼, 冰淇凌, 可可婕宝, 笙歌, EagLe, philipgu, tony95, 小枣, CHALI , njuhjt, 小展先生, vergelian, 而我知道, 嵇子逸, 丨隐逸丨, 梅小花, pldkycm, 沈澄潇, 地心引力, 北极天狼, 黄子, zcq1227, 魏顺吉, 细风, dreamer598, duanyu, 游悠悠, hashao  , abceddsd, jeffmxh, 上弦月 , quanmeila, 小豆虫, biua, Ruddell1414, Lowbee, 杰比度, sven—god, birdman91, lyn1024, wumeng1991, Eternal, 1214q , ojisa, 秦关, zjm0421, AKI, phillis, HYSkyline, gougou001, seeryu, 071163028, njuwulizhou, xxwh15, 冬迟流律, blowinginthewind, thefinder, 星了个漩 , jamesandy, Coralinky, 风卷残云, 黑沼灵狐, LadyM , 陈楷Kevin, Jaycee, jiejiaofengling, Adela, kingtor, MG1402181, Ceeotaku, 1207003, dg1227012, 盛夏, 七彩乱码, kuangxina, sinopitt, 蓝白色, jasonmraz, Emerson, 水慕宁雪, 我可叼了, oubeichen, mushrromed, 琛珏, wsjxydbf, Celine, wgnnju, lbl, luhuidi, 冰墨魂, sherlockwesker, 131180025, dreamwalker, End得儿, Arron1990, CheshireCat, harrykkk, Hsinchu, 追梦之旅