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[冰雪奇缘电影原声带  豪华版][Disney's.Frozen.Deluxe.Soundtrack][FLAC][2013]

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文件名: ZiJingBT.Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack (2013) (FLAC).torrent
种子名称: Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack (2013) (FLAC)
信息: 大小: 603.42 MB | 文件数: 62 | Info Hash: e05a67d037f2978ddd061550be5e5aa6152f99df
类别: 音乐 (原声) | moviegoer (退休工人 泊舟不系) 上传于 2014-02-22 09:42:27
活跃度: 做种(1)/下载(0) | 完成下载 (142) (最近一次活动时间 2020-11-24 08:45:51 / 种子活动时间 2020-11-24 08:45:51)
内容简介: image


★迪士尼天之驕女Demi Lovato真情流露獻唱主題曲`Let It Go`


歌曲部份由以音樂劇「The Book Of Mormon」榮獲2011年東尼獎最佳原創音樂與最佳音樂劇劇本、2012年葛萊美獎最佳音樂劇專輯肯定的紐約劇場界
作曲家Robert Lopez,以及Robert的老婆、同時也是動畫片「小熊維尼」的歌曲創作搭檔Kristen Anderson擔綱,音樂部份由以影集「魔法奇兵」
贏得艾美獎音樂作曲,創作過「醉後大丈夫」、「波西傑克森:神火之賊」等片配樂的加拿大音樂家Christophe Beck負責。所有的歌曲由演出影集
「偵探小天后」而走紅的女星Kristen Bell,以及參演過音劇劇「Wicked」與影集「歡樂合唱團」的東尼獎女星Idina Menzel展現精湛歌藝,
豐富`For The First Time In Forever`、`Let It Go`等歌詠自我解放精神歌曲的動人情感,而2013年以單曲`Heart Attack`再闖全美TOP 10
的影視歌三棲藝人Demi Lovato特地為本片灌錄了流行抒情氛圍版本的主題曲`Let It Go`。
感谢者: 安卓版, 灰蛋6小时, 葛荣存, Frostie, justintimberlake, 宫本拓虚, SmallKing, qf129, 勾股冬青, vergelian, hashao, 风卷残云, Ceeotaku, 七彩乱码, jasonmraz, oubeichen, 程子, 131180025, Neroldy, 环洛, luye061210, sherlockwesker, 121110076, huhuhu, xiongcheng, Arron1990, smallL, dreamwalker, zzz686970, 冰墨魂, xinmaonian, 紫朝颜, Hsinchu, 101070060, 追梦之旅, harrykkk
(已有 36 人表达了感谢)


文件 大小
Disc 1/01 - Cast - Frozen Heart.flac 10.89 MB
Disc 1/02 - Kristen Bell, Agatha Lee Monn and Katie Lopez - Do You Want to Bulid a Snowman.flac 16.32 MB
Disc 1/03 - Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel - For the First Time In Forever.flac 22.83 MB
Disc 1/04 - Kristen Bell and Santino Fontana - Love Is an Open Door.flac 12.88 MB
Disc 1/05 - Idina Menzel - Let It Go.flac 22.71 MB
Disc 1/06 - Jonathan Groff - Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People.flac 3.76 MB
Disc 1/07 - Josh Gadd - In Summer.flac 10.99 MB
Disc 1/08 - Kristen Bell and Idina Menzel - For the First Time In Forever (Reprise).flac 14.06 MB
Disc 1/09 - Maia Wilson and Cast - Fixer Upper.flac 19.46 MB
Disc 1/10 - Demi Lovato - Let It Go (Demi Lovato Version).flac 25.91 MB
Disc 1/11 - Score - Vuelie.flac 8.26 MB
Disc 1/12 - Score - Elsa and Anna.flac 12.63 MB
Disc 1/13 - Score - The Trolls.flac 8.90 MB
Disc 1/14 - Score - Coronation Day.flac 5.91 MB
Disc 1/15 - Score - Heimr Arnadalr.flac 6.33 MB
Disc 1/16 - Score - Winter's Waltz.flac 4.89 MB
Disc 1/17 - Score - Sorcery.flac 15.64 MB
Disc 1/18 - Score - Royal Pursuit.flac 5.30 MB
Disc 1/19 - Score - Onward and Upward.flac 8.60 MB
Disc 1/20 - Score - Wolves.flac 9.69 MB
Disc 1/21 - Score - The North Mountain.flac 6.63 MB
Disc 1/22 - Score - We Were So Close.flac 8.35 MB
Disc 1/23 - Score - Marshmallow Attack!.flac 9.10 MB
Disc 1/24 - Score - Conceal, Don't Feel.flac 5.05 MB
Disc 1/25 - Score - Only An Act of True Love.flac 4.85 MB
Disc 1/26 - Score - Summit Siege.flac 15.30 MB
Disc 1/27 - Score - Return to Arendelle.flac 8.01 MB
Disc 1/28 - Score - Treason.flac 6.69 MB
Disc 1/29 - Score - Some People Are Worth Melting For.flac 8.13 MB
Disc 1/30 - Score - Whiteout.flac 22.52 MB
Disc 1/31 - Score - The Great Thaw (Vuelie Reprise).flac 11.41 MB
Disc 1/32 - Score - Epilogue.flac 14.85 MB
Disc 1/Disney - Disney's Frozen Deluxe Sountrack.log 30.02 KB
Disc 1/Disney - Disney's Frozen Deluxe Sountrack.m3u 2.69 KB
Disc 1/Disney's Frozen Deluxe Sountrack Disc 1.cue 6.06 KB
Disc 2/01 - Kristen Anderson-Lopez - For the First Time In Forever (Demo).flac 20.15 MB
Disc 2/02 - Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez - Love Is an Open Door (Demo).flac 12.78 MB
Disc 2/03 - Kristen Anderson-Lopez - We Know Better (Outtake).flac 22.27 MB
Disc 2/04 - Robert Lopez, Annie Lopez and Katie Lopez - Spring Pageant (Outtake).flac 16.72 MB
Disc 2/05 - Kristen Anderson-Lopez - More than Just the Spare (Outtake).flac 17.94 MB
Disc 2/06 - Kristen Anderson-Lopez, and Robert Lopez - You're You (Outtake).flac 10.22 MB
Disc 2/07 - Kristen Anderson-Lopez - Life's Too Short (Outtake).flac 24.06 MB
Disc 2/08 - Kristen Anderson-Lopez - Life's Too Short (Reprise) (Outtake).flac 6.84 MB
Disc 2/09 - Robert Lopez - Reindeer(s) Remix (Outtake).flac 11.78 MB
Disc 2/10 - Score Demo - The Ballad of Olaf & Sven (Teaser Trailer).flac 7.49 MB
Disc 2/11 - Score Demo - Queeen Elsa of Arendelle.flac 3.04 MB
Disc 2/12 - Score Demo - Hans.flac 4.21 MB
Disc 2/13 - Score Demo - It Had to Be Snow.flac 4.78 MB
Disc 2/14 - Score Demo - Meet Olaf.flac 6.92 MB
Disc 2/15 - Score Demo - Hands for Hans.flac 3.32 MB
Disc 2/16 - Score Demo - Oaken's Sauna.flac 4.83 MB
Disc 2/17 - Score Demo - Thin Air.flac 9.07 MB
Disc 2/18 - Score Demo - Cliff Diving.flac 4.37 MB
Disc 2/19 - Score Demo - The Love Experts.flac 3.67 MB
Disc 2/20 - Score Demo - Elsa Imprisoned.flac 3.92 MB
Disc 2/21 - Score Demo - Hans' Kiss.flac 8.51 MB
Disc 2/22 - Source Score - Coronation Band Suite.flac 8.14 MB
Disc 2/23 - Instrumental Karaoke - Let It Go.flac 20.46 MB
Disc 2/Disney - Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack.log 22.20 KB
Disc 2/Disney - Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack.m3u 2.40 KB
Disc 2/Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack.cue 4.60 KB
cover.jpg 747.33 KB

