[生物材料科学 第三版][Biomaterials Science 3rd edition][PDF]
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文件名: |
ZiJingBT.Biomaterials Science Third Edition.torrent |
种子名称: |
Biomaterials Science Third Edition |
信息: |
90.20 MB | 文件数:
96 | Info Hash:
cf642f488f6ab57c10df14bec148f037a6b2f3e5 |
类别: |
学习 | 由 dugucanjian (广大站友) 上传于 2013-10-13 18:52:06 |
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内容简介: |
An introduction to all kinds of materials applied to biology and medicine. The book including: • hard and soft biomaterials; • orthopedic, cardiovascular, ophthalmologic, dental, and emerging applications; • a balance of fundamental biological and materials science concepts, contemporary medical/clinical con-cerns, and government/commercial/societal issues that reflect the complex environment in which bio -materials are developed and used; • coverage of the past, present, and future of bioma-terials, their applications, and key challenges that lie ahead.
生物材料科学是研究材料与生物体的相互作用规律与机理,进而研究具有生物相容性和特殊功能的生物材料的设计与制备方法的基础性学科,为各种生物材料的开发与应用奠定基础。 生物材料主要包括医用金属及合金、医用高分子材料、生物陶瓷,以及它们结合而成的生物医学复合材料。其中医用高分子又可分为非降解型如聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚丙烯酸酯、聚硅氧烷、聚甲醛等;以及可生物降解型如胶原、甲壳系、纤维素、聚氨基酸、聚乙烯醇、聚乙内酯等。 |
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todx, zyx51180, 葛荣存, 风之子, 豆, aly, qf129, Steve_S, skycitizen , vergelian, hashao  , 风卷残云, jasonmraz, dreamwalker, 131180025, xiongcheng, 凌狼龙剑, harrykkk, xinmaonian, fireorfire, Hsinchu, heroef123, 七彩乱码, oubeichen, sherlockwesker, Ceeotaku, cjjvvvvv, 冰墨魂, CheshireCat, Arron1990