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ZiJingBT.[天文科学软件集][Scisoft][7.7][英语][tar.gz][Linux版].torrent |
种子名称: |
scisoft-7.7.0.tar.gz |
信息: |
1.60 GB | 文件数:
1 | Info Hash:
bdf5661d67ac36c4705f584b8c904cc741ecb82a |
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软件 | 由 penn (广大站友) 上传于 2013-09-08 10:51:37 |
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做种(1)/下载(0) | 完成下载 (100) (最近一次活动时间 2020-11-23 22:46:26 / 种子活动时间 2020-11-23 22:46:26) |
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内容简介: |
Scisoft 是一个由欧洲南方天文台(ESO)的一个项目计划所提供的天文软件集。该软件集集成了IRAF、 MIDAS、IDL、Gildas等数据处理软件,SAOImage、DS9、XPA、Skycat、fv等图像显示工具,SM、PGPLOT、 Grace、ggobi等绘图工具,Python、MultiDrizzle、PyRAF等编程环境,GSL、DISLIN、LAPACK、FFTW、 CFITSIO等科学程序库,以及wcstools、Terapix Software Tools、Xephem、dss&dss2等常用工具。其中由于版权关系,在对外公开的版本中并不包含IDL和SM。该软件目前只有Linux版本,MacOS版本的Scisoft并不是ESO的杰作,而是由其他人重新定制发行。
Scisoft 7.7.0包含了如下软件:
Data Analysis Systems • IRAF 2.15 o ctio - Utilities from CTIO o gemini 1.11 - Utilities from the Gemini Telescopes o gmisc - Miscellaneous utilities for Gemini o mxtools (Dec2001) - Utilities from NOAO including QDPHOT o guiapps - Graphical applications for IRAF o xdimsum (Jan2003) - Enhanced IR data reduction and mosaicing software o dimsum 3.0 (Aug2002) - IR data reduction and mosaicing software o color - Utilities for creating colour images o fitsutil - FITS utilities o mscred - Mosaic camera CCD reduction tasks from NOAO o esowfi 1.3 (Mar2001) o eis 1.8 (May2002) - ESO Imaging Survey IRAF tasks (EIS Drizzle etc) o rvsao 2.7.8 - Spectral Radial Velocity package from CfA o nmisc 020618 - IRAF miscellany o xccdred - CCD reduction for multi-port chips o stecf 2.0 beta - Utilities from ST-ECF, including polarimetry reduction and spectral restoration packages - Updated in Scisoft 7.6 o STSDAS/TABLES 3.13 - HST data analysis and tables systems o ECL - Enhanced CL • Eclipse 5.0 - Includes ISAAC, CONICA, WFI, Lua and ADONIS add-ons • ESO-MIDAS 11Sep pl1.1 • PyMidas 1.0.5 • IDL 8.1 - Interactive Data Language from RSI. Commercial package, requires license - Note: NOT included in EXPORT version o Astron (November 2011) - Goddard Astron IDL astronomical procedure library o StarFinder - IDL adaptive optics photometry software o JHUAPL Library (Aug2004) - IDL procedure collection from Johns Hopkins o ATV - an interactive display tool for IDL • Gildas (Apr11h) - Radio astronomy applications from IRAM • Difmap 2.4l - Interactive program for radio synthesis imaging from Caltech • Miriad 4.2.3 Calibration, mapping, deconvolution and image analysis of interferometric data • Karma 1.7 - Toolkit for interprocess communications, authentication, encryption, graphics display, user interface and manipulating the Karma network data structure • CRUSH 2.10-1 - Data Reduction and Imaging for Bolometer Arraysi> • BoA - Bolometer Array Analysis Software • CASA 3.3.0 - Common Astronomy Software Application • THELI 2.5.0 - A pipeline for astronomical image data reduction
Image Display Servers • x11iraf 1.3.1 - May 2000 version, including xgterm (but excluding ximtool) • SAOImage 1.35.1 - The original, needs 8bit Xserver • DS9 6.2 - Latest display server from SAO. Works with 24bit X servers • XPA 2.1.13 - Messaging system from SAO. Used by DS9. • Skycat 3.1.2 - ESO image display tool with catalogue and image server access • fv 5.3 • QFitsView 3.0 - FITS file viewer • Gaia 4.1.1 - Graphical Astronomy and Image Analysis Tool
Graphics Software • SM 2.4.26 (Dec2002) - SuperMongo - Note: NOT included in EXPORT version • PGPLOT 5.2 - Graphics library • gnuplot 4.4.4 - Command-line driven interactive function plotting utility • Grace 5.1.9 - 2D WYSIWYG plotting tool • ggobi 2.1.8 - Data visualisation in 3D • Matplotlib 1.1.0 - Python 2D plotting library • PLplot 5.9.4 - Cross-platform software package for creating scientific plots.
Scripting Languages • Python 2.7.2 - General purpose, object orientated, extensible scripting language o Numeric 24.2 o Scientific 2.8 o Imaging (PIL) 1.1.7 o Pmw 1.3.2 o pcfitsio 0.99.2 o _sre readline _locale thread zlib fcntl pwd grp errno select mmap _socket termios _tkinter o asciidata 1.1.1 o binascii o ipython 0.11 o scipy 0.10.0 o Gnuplot 1.8 o ppgplot 1.3 o biggles 1.6.6 o pygame 1.9.1 o cStringIO & cPickle o wx (wxPython) o healpy 0.9.2 • STScI_Python 2.12 - Updated in Scisoft 7.7 - STScI Python packages, including the following: o PyRAF 1.9.0 - Python replacement for IRAF cl o numarray 1.5.2 - Enhanced Python numerical package from STScI o PyFITS 2.4 - Python FITS package from STScI o PyDrizzle 6.3.5 - Drizzling software o MultiDrizzle 3.3.7 - Automatic image combination drizzling software o NumPy 1.6.1 - Python package for scientific computing o • Java 1.6.0_20 - Java runtime environment and JDK • DPUser 3.0 - Interactive language for handling numbers, strings, and matrices
Scientific Libraries • GSL 1.15 - The GNU Scientific Library • DISLIN 9.1 - Scientific Data Plotting software • CFITSIO 3.28 - FITS File Subroutine Library • LAPACK Release 3.4.0 - Linear Algebra Subroutine Library • Atlas 3.8.4 - Another Linear Algebra Library • FFTW 3.3 - Fast Fourier Transform library • plotutils 2.6 - GNU plotting utilities • JPype - Java to Python integration • Funtools 1.4.0 - "Minimal buy-in" FITS library and utility package
Miscellaneous Utilities • wcstools 3.8.4 - World Coordinate System software tools and library from Doug Mink at SAO • Astromatic Software Tools SExtractor 2.8.6, SWarp 2.17.6, SCAMP 1.7.0, EyE 1.4.1, MissFits 2.4.0, SkyMaker 3.3.3, STIFF 2.1.2, Stuff 1.19 & WeightWatcher 1.8.10 • Tiny Tim 7.4 - HST point-spread function simulation software • Xephem 3.7.2 - Planetarium and ephemeris software • dss & dss2 - Digitized Sky Survey image extraction software • Cloudy c10.00 - Plasma simulation and spectral synthesis code (no patches applied) • HyperZ 1.1 - Photometric Redshift Code • Latex style files - A collection of style files for astronomical journals • DAOPhot - Stellar Photometry and related packages from Peter Stetson at DAO/HIA, see agreement for redistribution or access to the source code • fitsverify 4.16 - FITS format checker • fitscut - Image cutout and conversion utility • graphviz 2.28.0 - Graph Visualisation Software • fpack and funpack 1.6.1 - FITS file compression utilities
Virtual Observatory Tools • Aladin - Aladin Sky Atlas • VOspec - tool for handling Virtual Observatory compliant Spectra • VOplot - VOTable plotting tool • Plastic - PLatform for AStronomical Tool InterConnection • Specview • Splat - Spectral Analysis Tool • Stilts - Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set • TOPCAT - Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables • VirGO - Visual Browser for the ESO Science Archive Facility • VisIVO 1.4.1.a - Visualisation Interface to the VO
安装说明(以Fedora19为例): 打开Linux终端,安装必要的软件包依赖,比如: sudo yum install csh SDL_image SDL_ttf compat-libf2c-34 libgfortran unixODBC cd到根目录并且切换到su 使用命令 tar -zxvf /xxx/……/scisoft.tar.gz
解压完毕后软件主体上基本已经装好,在bash下每次进入该软件包之前需要执行一次这个命令 source /scisoft/bin/Setup.bash 当然这样有点麻烦,①可以把他加进~/.bashrc的末尾;②或者利用alias,在~/.bashrc或者/etc/bashrc中末尾加入 alias scisoft=‘source /scisoft/bin/Setup.bash’ 然后每次运行时先运行scisoft命令。第①种方法是方便;第②种方法是在不需要scisoft的时候这个软件包不会干扰系统本身的运行,毕竟包含在scisoft中的诸如java之类的一些软件包或者运行环境系统自己本身可能也自己有一套。安装好后可能需要关闭selinux,请自行解决。 如果使用中发现提示有缺乏依赖,以及 xxx.so之类的文件不存在(not found)之类的提示,请用yum等诸如此类的安装包管理软件搜索对应的库文件或者软件包(如 yum provides xxx.so;apt-cache search xxx)。在64位Fedora19上可能需要到的一些软件包包括但不仅限于 csh SDL_image SDL_ttf compat-libf2c-34 libgfortran unixODBC glibc.i686 glib2.i686 libX11.i686 libXScrnSaver.i686 ncurses-libs.i686 libgcc.i686 libstdc++.i686 libXft.i686 libXrander.i686 libxml2.i686 zlib.i686 libpng12.i686 gtk2.i686 libgfortran.i686 。其他问题请参考/scisoft/doc,利用help和man命令,以及利用Google,百度等搜索引擎自行解决。
卸载办法: 进入终端并切换到root cd /scisoft rm -fr * rm -f /dev/imt1 /dev/imt1i /dev/imt1o /usr/include/iraf.h /usr/local/lib/imtoolrc
感谢者: |
njuxuyanshi, 葛荣存, justintimberlake, 大忍崛起, Founder42, a616298362, 许黎之, billupson, hengxin1102, SmallKing, jason823543, 冰墨魂, vergelian, hashao  , selphide, 131210004, pengjx, steven88, whiskey, Arron1990, zhengfaxiang, 风卷残云, 云中孤影, dkdwxkxw, 月牙刀, jasonmraz, 131180025, xiongcheng, career, 凌狼龙剑, 云中君, 懒猪森, harrykkk, CheshireCat, dreamwalker, Hsinchu, lys, ciao, PiggyQ, fireorfire, oubeichen, uasonm, 121210017, ljh41, asdhry, 怪盗小雷, 当时只寻常, 七彩乱码, wenyan, wstcln, whatacracy, 星落秋枫, sherlockwesker, Ceeotaku
文件 |
大小 |
scisoft-7.7.0.tar.gz |
1.60 GB |