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[魔兽世界原画设定集][The Art of World of Warcraft][jpg]

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文件名: ZiJingBT.warcraft.torrent
种子名称: warcraft
信息: 大小: 141.21 MB | 文件数: 184 | Info Hash: 2f9c268cd1218f1d9fcfd5a0ce8c3cf604f4373a
类别: 图片 | visin (广大站友) 上传于 2013-05-24 21:37:42
活跃度: 做种(0)/下载(0) | 完成下载 (136) (最近一次活动时间 2020-11-12 22:38:22 / 种子活动时间 2020-06-26 10:39:07)
内容简介: 中文名: 魔兽世界原画设定集
原名: The Art of World of Warcraft
发行时间: 2005年12月21日
地区: 美国
语言: 英文


暴雪 - 魔兽世界原画设定集

by H. Leigh Davis (Editor), David B. Bartley (Editor)

怪物-从 Ancients 到 Magnataurs 再到 Yeti;
环境-从 Emerald Paradise 到 Desolace 的景致;

Product Description

The World of Warcraft is more than just a game, it's a work of art -- and you can enjoy these unique creations outside of the game with The Art of World of Warcraft. This beautiful hardbound book contains sketches, concepts, and final colored art for the following:

All eight races -- Dwarf, Gnome, Human, Night Elf, Orc, Tauren, Troll, and Undead
Monsters -- from the Ancients to Magnataurs to Yeti
Environments -- landscapes and flora, from the magnificent beauty of Emerald Paradise to the bleak wasteland of Desolace
Structures & Weapons -- buildings, transports, arms, and armor
Cinematics -- from storyboard to finished art
Promotional -- full-page artwork, special drawings from Korea, and the Blizzard 2003 Christmas Card

Publisher: BRADY GAMES; 1 edition (December 21, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0744007259
ISBN-13: 978-0744007251



01. Orcs

02. Humans

03. Night Elves

04. Dwarves

05. Undead

06. Trolls

07. Tauren

08. Gnomes

09. Monsters

10. Environments

11. Cinematics

12. Promotional

感谢者: 葛荣存, 许黎之, 小小的手缸, 泠然入七弦, vergelian, Hsinchu, 紫翼, BradleyNaafi, todx, hashao, 努力小辉, 自由在高处, nanazj, 风卷残云, jjlssm, jasonmraz, 131180025, 追忆封尘, xiongcheng, 凌狼龙剑, 131140024, harrykkk, jyb834408842, oubeichen, fireorfire, smallL, sarcaquan, 证人不归, 月华蝶舞, DiSPlay, 七彩乱码, 沈世军, 101220001, 秋时星碎, sherlockwesker, 冰墨魂, shxstc
(已有 37 人表达了感谢)



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