[科学绘图软件最新版][Origin Pro][9.0SR1][exe][英文]
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文件名: |
ZiJingBT.Origin Pro 9.0 SR1 b76.torrent |
种子名称: |
Origin Pro 9.0 SR1 b76 |
信息: |
467.34 MB | 文件数:
3 | Info Hash:
d5e32bcfe98c1a00300637749621e1dec1d58888 |
类别: |
软件 | 由 niuniujia (广大站友) 上传于 2013-03-20 16:24:27 |
活跃度: |
做种(2)/下载(0) | 完成下载 (645) (最近一次活动时间 2020-11-22 20:27:01 / 种子活动时间 2020-11-22 20:27:01) |
上传字幕: |
便笺: |
内容简介: |
 1. Install OriginPro with use of key parameters. 2. Use this serial number: GF3S4-9089-7991320 3. Run originpro. before the first start of the program and patch file(s) in directory of the installed program. Note: please copy the patch.exe to the directory of the installed program. [In some detail for the 32bit(64bit) version file = ok9.dll(ok9_64.dll)] 4. Start OriginPro and use this RegistrationID: GRM-RVR-AR2 |
感谢者: |
葛荣存, qf129, nju_jcc, zslcqsm, 黑沼灵狐, 许黎之, 空灵虚慧, rabbit117, CheshireCat, 冰墨魂, vergelian, hashao  , Hsinchu, 风卷残云, jasonmraz, 131180025, xiongcheng, 凌狼龙剑, harrykkk, george, huangjh93, crystallee, fireorfire, 七彩乱码, fatesnight, cjjvvvvv, fivewest, oubeichen, cutec, yqsq, mojifeng, 肥t, hiv1663, pcgsf22, lavaandstar, Ferrari, naraku, dg1227012, 七宝, ddwan, cp3peng, 云中君, sagitta, sherlockwesker, shxstc