[杜普蕾演奏的埃尔加&德留斯大提琴协奏曲][Jacqueline Du Pre - Elgar & Delius Cello Concertos][EMI][2012][FLAC分轨]
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ZiJingBT.Jacqueline Du Pre - Elgar & Delius Cello Concertos (2012) [SACD] {24bit-88.2KHz Stereo}.torrent |
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Jacqueline Du Pre - Elgar & Delius Cello Concertos (2012) [SACD] {24bit-88.2KHz Stereo} |
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1.99 GB | 文件数:
40 | Info Hash:
93b39f4a1374b2e9d983a5f1b9351ca95e02c691 |
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音乐 (古典) | 由 wojiaozhaozigan (退休工人 ohhhhhh) 上传于 2012-11-05 00:43:10 |
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转自open-cd 小胖原抓 感谢!
@lkm8888a 南大古典音乐爱好者群 276237686 欢迎大家来加
引用: 杜普蕾演奏的埃尔加&德留斯大提琴协奏曲,最佳版本(没有之一),EMI古典宝库压箱底大作,2012欧洲签名版SACD DSD层 24bit-88.2KHz Stereo
引用: 自从PS3被破解后,越来越多优秀的程序破茧而出。 SACD-Ripper就是其中之一。能够利用PS3直接利用肥版PS3的SACD支持功能,解密输出飞利浦格式的DSDIFF,从而达到完美的SACD RIP,本资源就是利用该软件成功制作的RIP。

专辑英文名:Elgar & Delius Cello Concertos 专辑艺术家:Jacqueline Du Pre 音乐类型:Classical 唱片公司:EMI 发行时间:2012(original 1965/1964) 发行地区:欧版 发行介质:Hybrid SACD Cat#:50999 9 55905 2 3
杰奎琳•杜普蕾(Jacqueline du Pre),英国女大提琴家,1945年1月26日出生,5岁学琴,十六岁举行首次独奏。1965年,20岁的杜普蕾演奏艾尔加E小调大提琴协奏曲,一举成名。1971年,她罹患一种罕见的病魔---综合硬化症,手指开始失去知觉,1973年仅仅28岁时,无奈别离了挚爱的音乐舞台,退出乐坛。之后她试图教授音乐,但最终病情加重,于1987年10月19日病逝于伦敦家中,享年42岁,过早地归于沉寂....
她与巴比罗利合作的埃尔加大提琴协奏曲至今无人超越。埃尔加这部蕴含悲观色彩的挽歌作品,经杜普蕾的演绎,充满了自由的想象和惆怅的情怀,具有恢阔的胸襟与气度,凝聚着高贵的悲壮,“实现了一种连作曲者本身也会赞赏的理想” ;杜普蕾演奏的德沃夏克的大提琴协奏曲,其旋律歌唱性、抒情特质表达得饱满而气势磅礴;舒曼的协奏曲是大提琴界公认的杜普蕾最好的演奏,因为杜普蕾精湛的技巧和灵感洋溢的乐思,而处处显得焕然一新充满诗意;演奏的勃拉姆斯的大提琴奏鸣曲或热情洋溢或柔婉深情;施特劳斯的《唐吉诃德》是雄辩有力的教科书式的演奏;肖邦的大提琴奏鸣曲、圣桑的大提琴协奏曲戴流斯的大提琴协奏曲等都是一流水准的绝世之作。这些唱片几乎都在她最为鼎盛的1965年到1969年四年中录制完成。
Jacqueline Mary du Pré OBE (26 January 1945 – 19 October 1987) was a British cellist. She is particularly associated with Elgar's Cello Concerto in E Minor; her interpretation has been described as "definitive" and "legendary." Her career was cut short by multiple sclerosis, which forced her to stop performing at 28 and led to her premature death. Posthumously, she was also the subject of a cinematic film Hilary and Jackie (based on her siblings' memoir, A Genius in the Family) that was factually controversial and criticized for sensationalising her private life.
引用: EMI CLASSICS 首度发行Super Audio CD (SACD) SIGNATURE COLLECTION 由四位Abbey Road录音室的工程师担任母带重製的工作,将EMI原始的历史录音母带从原本类比的母源重製为Hybrid SACD。这四位工程师分别是Simon Gibson, Ian Jones, Andy Walter and Allan Ramsay,他们在EMI及其他厂牌拥有多年丰富的母带重製经验。
Super Audio CD (SACD)是由Sony和Phillips所研发出的高解析度音质规格,提供极佳的临场感并比一般CD可收录更长的播放时间。此 Hybrid SACD/CD可供聆听者在一般CD播放器与任何SACD的播放器播放,包括大部分(非全部)的Playstation 3 (PS3)游戏主机。
本系列专辑以包含详尽解说的全彩精装书式包装,解说中除了提供曲目介绍外,也包括原始LP封面与原始的解说册内容,以及过去未曾曝光过原始母带的照片。并且提供详细的母带重製过程说明与EMI Classics和Abbey Road录音室工程师如何将此录音转化为高音质规格的说明。
★ 原始录音年份:1965/1964年
引用: 专辑曲目:
Delius/Elgar: Cello Concertos
Disc 1 1:I. Adagio - Moderato -:- Cello Concerto in E Minor, Op.85 2:II. Lento - Allegro molto:- Cello Concerto in E Minor, Op.85 3:III. Adagio:- Cello Concerto in E Minor, Op.85 4:IV. Allegro - Moderato - Cadenza - Allegro, ma non troppo - Adagio - Allegro molto:- Cello Concerto in E Minor, Op.85 5:I. Sea Slumber-Song:- Sea Pictures, Op.37 6:II. In Haven (Capri):- Sea Pictures, Op.37 7:III. Sabbath Morning at Sea:- Sea Pictures, Op.37 8:IV. Where Corals Lie:- Sea Pictures, Op.37 9:V. The Swimmer:- Sea Pictures, Op.37
Disc 2 1:I. How sweet the silent backward tracings! (Quieto, molto tranquillo):- Songs of Farewell 2:II. I stand as on some mighty eagle's beak (Lento molto):- Songs of Farewell 3:III. Passage to you! (Andante tranquillo):- Songs of Farewell 4:IV. Joy, shipmate, joy! (Maestoso):- Songs of Farewell 5:V. Now finalè to the shore (Moderato con moto):- Songs of Farewell 6:A Song before Sunrise 7:Lento -:- Cello Concerto 8:Con moto tranquillo -:- Cello Concerto 9:Lento -:- Cello Concerto 10:Con moto tranquillo -:- Cello Concerto 11:Allegramente:- Cello Concerto
感谢者: |
Routt, 葛荣存, 许黎之, vergelian, hashao  , 风卷残云, Ceeotaku, jasonmraz, 131180025, dreamwalker, 凌狼龙剑, harrykkk, george, Hsinchu, fireorfire, 七彩乱码, oubeichen, nbshanshan, sherlockwesker, Bear2, coolono, 绿湖长藕, 黑沼灵狐, hermes, GilAstro, shxstc
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大小 |
CD1/04 - Jacqueline Du Pre London Symphony Orchestra Sir John Ba - Cello Concerto in E minor Op. 85 2011 Digital Remaster I.flac |
224.62 MB |
CD2/11 - Jacqueline Du Pre Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Sir Malc - Concerto for Cello and Orchestra 2011 Digital Remaster A.flac |
144.85 MB |
CD1/01 - Jacqueline Du Pre London Symphony Orchestra Sir John Ba - Cello Concerto in E minor Op. 85 2011 Digital Remaster I.flac |
143.35 MB |
CD2/09 - Jacqueline Du Pre Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Sir Malc - Concerto for Cello and Orchestra 2011 Digital Remaster L.flac |
140.11 MB |
CD2/08 - Jacqueline Du Pre Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Sir Malc - Concerto for Cello and Orchestra 2011 Digital Remaster C.flac |
120.24 MB |
CD1/07 - Dame Janet Baker London Symphony Orchestra Sir John Bar - Sea Pictures Op. 37 2011 Digital Remaster III. Sabbath M.flac |
115.86 MB |
CD2/06 - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Sir Malcolm Sargent - A Song Before Sunrise 2011 Digital Remaster.flac |
115.40 MB |
CD1/09 - Dame Janet Baker London Symphony Orchestra Sir John Bar - Sea Pictures Op. 37 2011 Digital Remaster V. The Swimmer.flac |
114.14 MB |
CD1/03 - Jacqueline Du Pre London Symphony Orchestra Sir John Ba - Cello Concerto in E minor Op. 85 2011 Digital Remaster I.flac |
91.28 MB |
CD1/05 - Dame Janet Baker London Symphony Orchestra Sir John Bar - Sea Pictures Op. 37 2011 Digital Remaster I. Sea Slumber.flac |
90.18 MB |
Artwork/Booklet.pdf |
89.16 MB |
CD2/03 - Royal Choral Society Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Sir M - Songs of Farewell 2011 Digital Remaster No.3 Passage to.flac |
86.97 MB |
CD2/02 - Royal Choral Society Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Sir M - Songs of Farewell 2011 Digital Remaster No.2 I stand as.flac |
85.57 MB |
CD2/05 - Royal Choral Society Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Sir M - Songs of Farewell 2011 Digital Remaster No.5 Now finale.flac |
85.20 MB |
CD1/02 - Jacqueline Du Pre London Symphony Orchestra Sir John Ba - Cello Concerto in E minor Op. 85 2011 Digital Remaster I.flac |
80.76 MB |
CD1/08 - Dame Janet Baker London Symphony Orchestra Sir John Bar - Sea Pictures Op. 37 2011 Digital Remaster IV. Where Cora.flac |
75.37 MB |
CD2/01 - Royal Choral Society Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Sir M - Songs of Farewell 2011 Digital Remaster No.1 How sweet.flac |
73.14 MB |
CD2/10 - Jacqueline Du Pre Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Sir Malc - Concerto for Cello and Orchestra 2011 Digital Remaster C.flac |
37.37 MB |
CD1/06 - Dame Janet Baker London Symphony Orchestra Sir John Bar - Sea Pictures Op. 37 2011 Digital Remaster II. In Haven.flac |
36.97 MB |
CD2/04 - Royal Choral Society Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Sir M - Songs of Farewell 2011 Digital Remaster No.4 Joy shipm.flac |
34.39 MB |
CD2/07 - Jacqueline Du Pre Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Sir Malc - Concerto for Cello and Orchestra 2011 Digital Remaster L.flac |
18.70 MB |
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CD1/LSO, Sir John Barbirolli - Elgar Cello Concerto (Du Pre),Sea Pictures (Baker).saracon.log |
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CD1/LSO, Sir John Barbirolli - Elgar Cello Concerto (Du Pre),Sea Pictures (Baker).sacdripper.log |
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CD1/LSO, Sir John Barbirolli - Elgar Cello Concerto (Du Pre),Sea Pictures (Baker).dr.log |
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CD1/LSO, Sir John Barbirolli - Elgar Cello Concerto (Du Pre),Sea Pictures (Baker).WG.Log |
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CD2/Delius- Songs of Farewell, A Song before Sunrise and Cello Concerto.m3u8 |
1.33 KB |
CD1/LSO, Sir John Barbirolli - Elgar Cello Concerto (Du Pre),Sea Pictures (Baker).m3u8 |
1.10 KB |