[我为卿狂 7季全][Mad.About.You.Complete.TVRip-TvT]
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ZiJingBT.TvT-Mad.About.You.Complete.TVRip-TvT.torrent |
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Mad About You |
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19.93 GB | 文件数:
163 | Info Hash:
4d633f8314ff62a683539ac2f67d0989d913c3cf |
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 导演 Director: Linda Day ....(6 episodes 1993) Dennis Erdman ....8 (episode "Neighbors from Hell") Gordon Hunt ....0 (31 episodes 1995-1999) 海伦·亨特 Helen Hunt ....6 (5 episodes 1998-1999) Barnet Kellman ....0 (13 episodes 1992-1993) Craig Knizek ....8 (episodes "Fire at Riff's" 1998, "Win a Free Car" 1999, and "Separate Beds") Paul Lazarus ....6 (episodes "Paul in a Family" 1992 and "Token Friend") 迈克尔·莱拜克 Michael Lembeck ....5 (24 episodes 1994-1999) Victor Levin ....1 (episode "Valentine's Day") 汤姆·摩尔 Tom Moore ....3 (9 episodes 1993-1994) 托马斯·施拉梅 Thomas Schlamme ....5 (16 episodes 1993-1996) Lee Shallat Chemel ....7 (episodes "Bing, Bang, Boom" 1993, "Surprise" 1993, "Paul is Dead" 1994, and "Instant Karma" 19 David Steinberg ....1 (49 episodes 1994-1999) 编剧 Writer: Danny Jacobson ....(creator) & 保罗·雷瑟 Paul Reiser ....(creator) Maria A. Brown ....writer (episode "Weekend in L.A." 1998) Jenna Bruce ....writer (episode "Stealing Burt's Car" 1999) Jack Burditt ....writer (6 episodes 1993-1995) Christopher Case ....writer (episodes "The Coin of Destiny" 1998 and "Tragedy Plus Time" 1998) Leslie Caveny ....writer (episode "The Clip Show" 1996) 拉里·查尔斯 Larry Charles ....writer (18 episodes 1996-1997) Liz Coe ....writer (episode "The Ride Home" 1994) Eileen Conn ....writer (7 episodes 1993-1995) Mary Connelly ....writer (episodes "Back to Work" 1998 and "The Silent Show" 1998) Ron Darian ....writer (5 episodes 1996-1997) Richard Day ....writer (10 episodes 1996-1997) Lisa DeBenedictis ....writer (episodes "Paul in the Family" 1992, "Maid About You" 1993, and "Weekend Getaway" 1993) Susan Dickes ....writer (episodes "Good Old Reliable Nathan" 1998, "Mother's Day" 1998, and "Uncle Phil Goes Back to Roger Director ....writer (episodes "Speed Baby" 1997 and "The Baby Video" 1998) Pamela Eells ....writer (episodes "Token Friend" 1992, "Love Among the Tiles" 1993, "The Billionaire" 1993, and "Happ Stephen Engel ....staff writer Beth Fieger Falkenstein ....writer (episodes "Surprise" 1993 and "Instant Karma" 1994) Victor Fresco ....writer (episodes "Pandora's Box" 1994, "Money Changes Everything" 1995, and "My Boyfriend's Back" 19 Andy Glickman ....writer (episodes "Separate Planes" 1998 and "Murray at the Dog Show" 1999) Shana Goldberg-Meehan ....writer (episodes "New Year's Eve 1995 and "Get Back" 1996) Andrew Gordon ....7 episodes 1993-1995 Dan Greenburg ....story (episode "Once More with Feeling" 1994) Billy Grundfest ....writer (18 episodes 1992-1998) David Guarascio ....writer (episodes "The Recital" 1997, "The Touching Game" 1997, "The Dry Run" 1997, and "Le Sex Show" Brenda Hampton ....writer (episodes "I Don't See It" 1995 and "The Procedure" 1996) Elin Hampton ....writer (episode "The Dirty Little Secret" 1999) Hayes Jackson ....writer (episode "The Thanksgiving Show" 1998) Danny Jacobson ....writer (19 episodes 1992-1996) Steve Joe ....writer (episode "Win a Free Car" 1999) Jeffrey Klarik ....writer (5 episodes 1994-1995) Jenji Kohan ....writer (episodes "The Grant" 1996, "The Recital" 1997, "Astrology" 1997, and "The Touching Game" 199 Seth Kurland ....writer (episodes "An Angel for Murray" 1995, "Get Back" 1996, and "The Award" 1996) Jeffrey Lane ....writer (18 episodes 1992-1995) Sally Lapiduss ....writer (episodes "Token Friend" 1992, "Love Among the Tiles" 1993, "The Billionaire" 1993, and "Happ Sheila R. Lawrence ....writer (episodes "Cheating on Shelia" 1998 and "The Honeymoon" 1999) Eric A. Lee ....staff writer Susu Keepman Lee ....staff writer Lissa Levin ....writer (episodes "The New Friend" 1997 and "Breastfeeding" 1998) Victor Levin ....writer (30 episodes 1994-1999) Frank Lombardi ....story ("Instant Karma" 1994) Adam Markowitz ....writer (episode "The Buried Fight" 1998) Mike Martineau ....writer (episode "The Magic Pants" 1997) Lisa Melamed ....writer (episode "Moody Blues" 1997) Bob Nickman ....writer (episode "Separate Beds" 1999) Steve Paymer ....writer (6 episodes 1992-1994) Robert Peacock ....writer (episode "Farmer Buchman" 1999) Monica Piper ....writer (episode "A Pain in the Neck" 1998) Moses Port ....writer (episodes "The Recital" 1997, "The Touching Game" 1997, "The Dry Run" 1997, and "Le Sex Show" 保罗·雷瑟 Paul Reiser ....writer (17 episodes 1992-1999) Dana Reston ....story (episode "Instant Karma" 1994) Daryl Rowland ....writer (episodes "Paul in the Family" 1992, "Maid About You" 1993, and "Weekend Getaway" 1993) Liz Sagal ....story (episode "Fertility" 1996) McNally Sagal ....story (episode "Fertility" 1996) Greg Schaffer ....writer (episode "Win a Free Car" 1999) Kenny Schwartz ....writer (5 episodes 1995-1996) Maria Semple ....writer (7 episodes 1996-1997) Scott Silveri ....writer (episode "New Year's Eve 1995) David Steven Simon ....writer (episodes "The New Friend" 1997 and "The Second Mrs. Buchman" 1998) Jonathan Leigh Solomon ....writer (6 episodes 1996-1998) Trish Soodik ....writer (episode "Virtual Reality II" 1999) Frank Van Keeken ....writer ("Millennium Bug" 1999) Rick Wiener ....writer (episodes "Two Tickets to Paradise" 1995 and "The Test" 1995) Russ Woody ....writer (episodes "Married to the Job" 1993 and "Paul is Dead" 1994) Dean Young ....writer (episode "Paved with Good Intentions" 1999) 演员 Actor: 保罗·雷瑟 Paul Reiser ....Paul Buchman 海伦·亨特 Helen Hunt ....Jamie Stemple Buchman Anne Ramsay ....Lisa Stemple (1992-1997) Tommy Hinkley ....Jay Selby (1992-1993) Leila Kenzle ....Fran Devanow (1992-1998) 理查德·坎德 Richard Kind ....Dr. Mark Devanow (1992-1993) John Pankow ....Ira Buchman (1993-1999) Maui the Dog ....Murray Cynthia Harris ....Sylvia Buchman (1993-1999) Louis Zorich ....Burt Buchman (1997-1999) Robin Bartlett ....Debbie Buchman (1995-1999) 制作人 Produced by: 拉里·查尔斯 Larry Charles ....executive producer Bruce Chevillat ....producer Liz Coe Eileen Conn ....co-producer Mary Connelly William Cosentino ....producer (1994-1999) David Craig ....associate producer Richard Day Stephen Engel Victor Fresco Andrew Gordon ....co-producer Billy Grundfest ....co-producer Billy Grundfest Brenda Hampton Robert Heath ....producer (1995-1996) 海伦·亨特 Helen Hunt ....producer Danny Jacobson ....executive producer Barnet Kellman Jeffrey Klarik ....co-producer Craig Knizek ....associate producer Craig Knizek ....co-producer Craig Knizek ....producer Craig Knizek Jenji Kohan ....producer Jeffrey Lane ....executive producer Sally Lapiduss Victor Levin Steve Paymer ....producer 保罗·雷瑟 Paul Reiser ....executive producer 保罗·雷瑟 Paul Reiser ....producer (1995-1996) Maria Semple ....producer Marjorie Weitzman 简介 美国电视情景喜剧《我为卿狂》(Mad About You)荣获六次艾美大奖,收视率曾超过《欲望都市》《老友记》,由奥斯卡影后海伦享特(《龙卷风》)演绎都市浪漫情欲故事。CCTV-8《每日佳艺》曾经引进播出过。
该剧1992年开始上映,故事围绕着纽约曼哈顿一对新婚的年轻夫妇而展开,通过生活琐事反映了他们的日常生活和爱情。《我为卿狂》因幽默的情节、生动的表演而广为人知。保罗.里斯(Paul Reiser) 和海伦杭特(Helen Hunt)扮演这一对年轻都市夫妇在他们位于曼哈顿的家中经营着他们的婚姻。
海伦杭特有一个“刻苦工作狂”的名声,使她在电影和电视事业上都获得巨大成功。1996年主演的夏季巨片《龙卷风》一名惊人,大爆票房,成为有史以来最赚钱的电影之一。她在1997年《尽善尽美》一片中出色演技获得无数好评,这部影片也使她一举成为奥斯卡影后,一跃成为好莱坞一线女星。在电视事业方面,她继续在《我为卿狂 》一剧中出现,她始终如一的精湛演技为她赢得电视界的奥斯卡--艾美奖。在1997年, 2500万观众守在电视机前观看了该剧的最后一集《大结局》。
Mad About You是一部与Friends类似的浪漫喜剧连续剧。早于Friends一年--1992年开播,到1999年停播。由拥有一座奥斯卡小金人的Halen Hunt担纲女主角,扮演Jamie Buchman。在Friends和她一同出现的女士是Leila Kenzle,她在Mad About You中扮演Fran Devanow。这两部连续剧究竟有什么联系呢?联系就是Ursula!这个角色在两部连续剧中都出现了,而且扮演者都是我们的Pheebs--Lisa Kurdow!在Friends 116开拍之前,Ursula这个角色已经出现在Mad About You中了。美国观众大多在Mad About You中看到了Halen Hunt扮演的Jamie和Urusla相识,所以在Friends中她一上来就认错人也不足为奇了。实际上,在扮演Urusla之前,Lisa Kurdow在Mad About You第一季中就演过一个叫Karen的角色。自从Urusla在两部剧集中都出现以后,大受欢迎。因此Urusla不但在Friends中经常出现,在Mad About You中也一发不可收拾,从第2季到第7季中都有出现,其中第2,3季中出现的频率较高。不过,比较可惜的是,Pheebs从来没有在Mad About You中出现过。另外一个Friends中的熟人,Pheebs的科学家男友David的扮演者Hank Azaria在Mad About You的后两季中也经常出现。这也难怪,他本来就是Halen Hunt的未婚夫。
Status: Ended Premiered: September 23, 1992 Last Aired: May 24, 1999 Show Category: Comedy Summary: Jaime (Helen Hunt) and Paul Buchman (Paul Reiser) are young urban couple with five months of marriage behind them and they're still trying to make some ground rules of living together in an apartment in Manhattan. That is definitely not easy because Jamie & Paul are equally neurotic - but on totally different ways. Paul is a documentary filmmaker, he is charming and creative, but also extremely careful and analytic. Jaime is more free person, with free spirit, but as a expert for public relations in everyday fight for a space she also has a number of discomforts. Jaime's sister Lisa Stemple (Anne Ramsay) often comes to visit them, just like their friends Mark Devanow (Richard Kind), his wife Fran (Leila Kenzle) and Paul's cousin Ira Buchman (John Pankow). But, they aren't the only ones that visit them. There are always all kinds of other characters like noisy neighbours, funny dogwalker, family members and others. With a big part of personal intimacy, which Paul Reiser, the head character and the creator of the show, compares to "a ride home after a party, when a couple can finally tell each other what have they been thinking all night", the 30-minute show searches for capricious moments of every couple. Their co-creator of the show, Danny Jacobson, adds that "they wanted to set a mirror to marriage life and see how is the world behind the closed doors".
Awards and Nominations:
> 1998 - Nominated - Best Performance by an Actor in a TV-Series Comedy/Musical [Paul Reiser] > 1998 - Nominated - Best Performance by an Actress in a TV-Series Comedy/Musical [Helen Hunt] > 1997 - Won! - Best Performance by an Actress in a TV-Series Comedy/Musical [Helen Hunt] > 1997 - Nominated - Best Performance by an Actor in a TV-Series Comedy/Musical [Paul Reiser] > 1997 - Nominated - Best TV-Series Comedy/Musical > 1996 - Nominated - Best Performance by an Actress in a TV-Series Comedy/Musical [Helen Hunt] > 1996 - Nominated - Best Performance by an Actor in a TV-Series Comedy/Musical [Paul Reiser] > 1996 - Nominated - Best TV-Series Comedy/Musical > 1995 - Won! - Best Performance by an Actress in a TV-Series Comedy/Musical [Helen Hunt] > 1995 - Nominated - Best Performance by an Actor in a TV-Series Comedy/Musical [Paul Reiser] > 1995 - Won! - Best TV-Series Comedy/Musical > 1994 - Won! - Best Performance by an Actress in a TV-Series Comedy/Musical [Helen Hunt] > 1993 - Nominated - Best Performance by an Actress in a TV-Series Comedy/Musical [Helen Hunt]
> 1999 - Won! - Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series [Mel Brooks] (For playing "Uncle Phil Buchman". For episode "Uncle Phil Goes Back To High School".) > 1999 - Won! - Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series [Helen Hunt] > 1999 - Nominated - Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series [Paul Reiser] > 1998 - Won! - Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series [Mel Brooks] (For playing "Uncle Phil". For episode "Uncle Phil And The Coupons".) > 1998 - Won! - Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series [Helen Hunt] > 1998 - Nominated - Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series [Hank Azaria] (For playing "Nat". For episode "Nat And Arly".) > 1998 - Nominated - Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series [Nathan Lane] (For playing "Professor Twilley". For episode "Good Old Reliable Nathan".) > 1998 - Nominated - Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series [Paul Reiser] > 1998 - Nominated - Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series [Carol Burnett] (For playing "Theresa Stemple". For episode "Coming Home".) > 1997 - Won! - Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series [Helen Hunt] > 1997 - Won! - Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series [Mel Brooks] (For playing "Uncle Phil". For episode "The Penis".) > 1997 - Won! - Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series [Carol Burnett] (For playing "Teresa Stemple". For episode "Jamie's Parents".) > 1997 - Nominated - Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series [Paul Reiser] > 1997 - Nominated - Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series [Sid Caesar] (For playing "Harold". For episode "Citizen Buchman".) > 1997 - Nominated - Outstanding Comedy Series > 1996 - Won! - Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series [Helen Hunt] > 1996 - Nominated - Outstanding Comedy Series > 1996 - Nominated - Outstanding Individual Achievement in Sound Mixing for a Comedy Series or a Special (for episode "New Years Eve") > 1996 - Nominated - Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series [Paul Reiser] > 1995 - Won! - Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series [Carl Reiner] (For playing "Alan Brady". For episode "The Alan Brady Show".) > 1995 - Won! - Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series [Cyndi lauper] (For playing "Marianne Lugasso". For episode "Money Changes Everything".) > 1995 - Won! - Outstanding Individual Achievement in Sound Mixing for a Comedy Series or a Special (for episode "Up in Smoke") > 1995 - Nominated - Outstanding Comedy Series > 1995 - Nominated - Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series [Helen Hunt] > 1995 - Nominated - Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series [Paul Reiser] > 1995 - Nominated - Outstanding Individual Achievement in Editing for a Series - Multi-Camera Production (Sheila Amos; for episode "The Ride Home") > 1994 - Won! - Outstanding Individual Achievement in Sound Mixing for a Comedy Series or a Special (for episode "The Surprise") > 1994 - Nominated - Outstanding Comedy Series > 1994 - Nominated - Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series [Helen Hunt] > 1994 - Nominated - Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series [Paul Reiser] > 1994 - Nominated - Outstanding Individual Achievement in Directing in a Comedy Series (Tom Moore; for episode "Love Letters") > 1994 - Nominated - Outstanding Individual Achievement in Directing in a Comedy Series (Lee Shallat Chemel; for episode "Paul is Dead") > 1993 - Nominated - Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series [Helen Hunt] |
感谢者: |
葛荣存, 许黎之, vergelian, liuyingxuan, hashao  , 风卷残云, jasonmraz, 131180025, xiongcheng, harrykkk, george, Hsinchu, fireorfire, 七彩乱码, shxstc, oubeichen, hcsprings, zzzzzz, peterson11, eve0830, Ferrari, zcconly, sven—god, vanf, sinopitt, rencht, loseu, lg7, sherlockwesker, 【依然】, 仙人末路, laohe