[柯特· 科本日记][Kurt.Cobain.-.Journals][RAR]
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ZiJingBT.Kurt.Cobain.-.Journals.rar.torrent |
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[柯特·科本日记]Kurt.Cobain.-.Journals.rar |
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54.05 MB | 文件数:
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图片 | 由 sora (广大站友) 上传于 2011-01-04 12:46:12 |
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本书收集了Kurt Cobain从80年代到94年去世前他亲手写的日记,绘图和书信等。展示了他的天才,趣味以及病态。 这是本有争议的书,登上过纽约时报畅销书第一名,有人觉得这是侵犯Cobain的隐私,有人觉得这是更好地了解他的机会。 评论家Tim Appelo给了如何读此书的建议,简单摘译如下。 (http://www.slate.com/id/2074093/)
1. 不要把作者想象成明星。因为他日记大部分内容写成的时候也正是他最落魄的时候。 2. 不用感到内疚。他经常邀请别人看他写的日记。 3. 不要简单化地阅读其中的内容。 4. 请习惯这一点:死亡是他的常用战术。 5. 他是个敏感的人。 6. 他是个有趣的人。 7. 他想用自己的方式表达。
这个图片版虽然制作得比较粗糙,没有修图(见下面的图片),不过清晰度可以看起来没问题。 压缩包中还有国外歌迷写的每页内容的注解。
i JOURNALS ii what to spend money on iii JOURNALS iv publishing information v "Don't read my diary when I'm gone" introduction vi blank vii JOURNALS viii blank 01 letter to Dale Crover 02 letter to Dale Crover 03 letter to Dale Crover 04 Artwork: Iron Maiden mascot 05 "The Late 1980's" 06 "Soundtrack to HR puffnstuff" 07 Artwork: Guitar chords 08 Bio for record label 09 Notebook cover: "NIRVANA" 10 Review of NIRVANA show 11 Notebook cover "if you read youll judge 12 Notes on driver's license test 13 Notes on driver's license test 14 Artwork: creature pen sketch 15 Letter to Dave Foster 16 Letter to Dave Foster 17 Letter to Dave Foster 18 "Reversion relapse" 19 Letter to Mark Lanegan 20 Letter to Mark Lanegan 21 "Just Before I fall asleep and when I'm really bored I..." 22 above continued "Once I saw Jesus on a tortilla shell" 23 above continued "Uncertainty" 24 Artwork: "Mr Moustache" 25 recounting of teenage years and first sexual experience 26 recounting of teenage years and first sexual experience 27 recounting of teenage years and first sexual experience 28 Bio for record label 29 "Lance Link" 30 Letter to Jesse Reed 31 Letter to Jesse Reed 32 Artwork: "Reed & Maloy" 33 NIRVANA bio 34 Printed NIRVANA bio 35 Printed NIRVANA bio 36 Letter to Mark Lanegan 37 NIRVANA bio 38 "Things the band needs to do" 39 Rules of the road 40 Artwork: Burnman 41 Resume 42 Resume 43 "Pine Tree Janitorial Service" 44 "My lyrics" 45 Lyrics: Downer 46 Lyrics: Floyd the Barber 47 Lyrics: Paper Cuts 48 Lyrics: Paper Cuts 49 Lyrics: Hairspray Queen 50 Lyrics: Mexican Seafood 51 Marketing ideas for "Sheep" 52 Marketing ideas for "Sheep" 53 Lyrics: Pen Cap Chew 54 Lyrics: Aero Zeppelin 55 Kurt on Melvins 56 Kurt on Melvins 57 Kurt on Melvins 58 Kurt on Melvins 59 "The MeLVINS are alive" 60 Melvins interview questions 61 Melvins interview questions 62 Melvins interview questions 63 Letter to Dale Crover 64 Letter to Dale Crover 65 "Touch n Go Demo" track listing 66 Notes on recording studios and costs 67 Mix tape song list 68 Artwork: "The Smiley's" 69 "Bitching about prog-rock" 69 "First of all I enjoy your show" 70 "Monte Vista" 71 "Monte Vista" 72 Mix tape song list 73 "In and out" - Kurt on sex 74 "A triumphant victory for mankind" 75 "The Story" 76 "The Story" 77 Notes on rerecording Dale Crover demo 78 "The Story" 79 Mix tape song list 80 Album design for "Humans Are Dumb" 81 "Critic goes God" 82 "Critic goes God" 83 "Critic goes God" 84 Mix tape song list 85 Artwork: "Elvis Cooper" 86 Lyrics: Aneurysm 87 Lyrics: Sappy 88 Lyrics: Verse Chorus Verse 89 Artwork: "Crybaby Jerkins" 90 Lyrics: Dive 91 Letter to Eugene Kelly 92 Letter to Eugene Kelly 93 Top 29 albums list 94 "I am threatened by ridicule" 95 "I like punk rock more than anything in the whole wide world" 96 "I like punk rock more than anything in the whole wide world" 97 "I like..." 98 "I like..." 99 "I like..." 100 "I like..." 101 "I like..." 102 "I am now in my sad stage, before it was naive hate" 103 T-shirt order sheet design 104 "A manic depressive on smack" - Kurt's rules for living 105 "Over the Edge" and Kurt's youth 106 Artwork: Hung football player / soldier 107 "Besides financial security it really isn't that wise of a profession" 108 Lyrics: "Primary" On A Plain & All Apologies 109 Lyrics: Dumb 110 "Im not an artist" 111 "Art is sacred" 112 Artwork: 3 figure outline 113 "I have a lot to say but ill leave that to you" 114 "Im not well read, but when I do read, I read well" 115 "You can't rationalize spirituality" 116 Album design for "Nevermind" 117 Artwork: pumpkin-head on cross with crows and sperm 118 Album design for "Nevermind" - "NIRVANA says thanks to..." 119 Album design for "Nevermind" - "Your vote counts" 120 "I started it first" 121 "Ideas for Video" + recipes 122 "Kill the Rockefellers" 123 Album design for "Nevermind" 124 Artwork: hand, knees, and foot sketch + "Here I am inspired to write only because im pissed off." 125 "Chemicals are the thing of today" 126 Lyrics: Opinion 127 "Mandatory breeding laws SUE ME mandatory abortion" 128 "I am a male. Age 23 and Im lactating." 129 "homage or Ripoff?" 130 "I am in absolute and total support of:" 131 Letter to Eugene Kelly 132 Letter to Eugene Kelly 133 Album Design: "NIRVANA Sings... songs of DEVO WIPERS VASELINES & NIRVANA" 134 List of possible producers for "Nevermind" 135 Artwork: various items including KKK members, lightbulb, and pizza slice 136 Lyrics: Smells Like Teen Spirit 137 Lyrics: Smells Like Teen Spirit 138 Lyrics: Smells Like Teen Spirit 139 Artwork, Video: scenes for first verse of "In Bloom" video 140 Lyrics: Lithium 141 Lyrics: Smells Like Teen Spirit 142 Lyrics: In Bloom 143 "I saw Jesus's face in wood panelling" 144 Lyrics: Verse Chorus Verse 145 Lyrics: Come As You Are 146 Lyrics: Lounge Act 147 Lyrics: On A Plain 148 "Needed" 149 Notebook cover: "Verse Chorus Verse CHorus Solo Chorus Chorus" 150 Kurt recounting early music listening experiences as a child 151 Kurt recounting early music listening experiences as a child 152 Artwork: Assassinating marching Ku Klux Klan members 153 Notebook cover: "No Good" 154 Album design for "Nevermind" 155 Album design for "Nevermind" 156 NIRVANA bio 157 NIRVANA bio 158 NIRVANA bio 159 NIRVANA bio 160 Video: Smells Like Teen Spirit 161 "I had a cigarette in my hand, I thought it was a pen" 162 "His jaw dropped" 163 Top 9 albums list 164 Letter to journalist 165 Letter to journalist 166 Letter to journalist 167 Letter to Tobi Vail 168 Letter to Tobi Vail 169 Letter to Tobi Vail 170 Letter to Tobi Vail 171 Letter to Tobi Vail 172 Letter to Tobi Vail 173 "There is a small percentage of the population who were BORN with the ability to detect injustice." 174 "The larger percent..." 175 "To be read as poetry" 176 "We're playing the corporate game and we're playing as best as we can" 177 Video: Come As You Are 178 Kurt on Melvins 179 "Its hard to decipher the difference between a sincere entertainer and an honest swindler" 180 Artwork: seahorse, creature, lightbulb 181 "I feel like a dork writing about myself like this" 182 "We've made a way better commercial record than Poison" 183 "Just let me have my very own unexplainable rare stomach disease" 184 "I am the product of 7 months of..." 185 "OH THE GUILT THE GUILT" 186 "DE_JA VOO- DOO" 187 Lyrics: Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle 188 Lyrics: Heart Shaped Box 189 "I wish there was someone I could ask for advice" 190 "There are more bad rock journalists than there are bad rock bands" 191 "Thanks for your second rate Freudian evaluation on my minds present state" 192 "Sometimes I wonder if I could very well be the luckiest boy in the world" 193 Lyrics: Dumb 194 "I'd be better off if I kept my mouth shut" 195 "I went on a 3 week drug binge" 196 Artwork: "The many moods of kurdt kobain" 197 Kurt explaining his stomach problem and relation to his drug usage 198 Kurt explaining his stomach problem and relation to his drug usage 199 Letter to MTV 200 Lyrics: Radio Friendly Unit Shifter 201 Lyrics: Radio Friendly Unit Shifter 202 Top 40 album list "Personal preference" 203 Artwork: Postcard to Ian Dickson and Nikki McClure 204 Artwork: self portrait collage 205 Notebook cover: "washed up, has been, drug addicts" 206 Guitar design 207 Guitar design 208 Guitar design 209 Guitar design 210 Guitar design 211 Guitar design 212 Lyrics: All Apologies 213 Letter to Donald Cobain 214 Letter to Donald Cobain 215 Fax from Steve Albini / Notes on microphones 216 "Mr Producer" Notes on recordings 217 Notes on recording Melvins 218 Album design for "I Hate Myself and I Want to Die" 219 Letter to Simon Fair 220 Letter to Simon Fair 221 Top 10 album list - "a handful of very honorable and sincere music lovers who are posing as the enemy" 222 In Utero liner notes: Serve the Servants, SCentless Apprentice, Heart Shaped Box 223 In Utero liner notes: Rape Me, Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle, Dumb, Very Ape, Radio Friendly Unit Shifter 224 In Utero liner notes: tourette's, dedications 225 In Utero liner notes: All Apologies, Milk It, Serve the Servants 226 In Utero liner notes: Serve the Servants continued 227 Video: Live! Tonight! Sold Out! 228 Album design for "In Utero" 229 "I like..." 230 List of independant record labels 231 Video: Heart Shaped Box 232 "For me punk rock is dead" 233 "I thought I would let the world know how much I love people" 234 "No one should be denied the privledge to create" 235 "Maybe I just tried to let the world know how much I love myself." 236 Mix tape song list 237 Letter to Courtney Love 238 Letter to Courtney Love 239 Top 15 album list - "The new improved revised NIRVANA list of albums..." 240 "I have been forced to become a reclusive rock star" 241 "All conspiracy theories are very very real" 242 "All journalists are at the mercy of their editors" 243 Video: "Milk It or Scentless Apprentice" 244 Video: Heart Shaped Box 245 Notebook cover: "Examples of herpes gestationis" 246 Kurt on rock journalism 247 Kurt on rock journalism 248 Artwork: The Thanksgiving scroll 249 "I have had 4 four notebooks filled with two years worth of poetry and personal writings and lyrics stolen from me" 250 Kurt on hippies 251 "I played the snare drum in school band from grades five to nine" 252 "In order to become a big famous rock star I would need to write my very own songs" 253 "The guitar is based on mathematics" 254 "At the end of your rope at the end of the rainbow" 255 "Internally destroy the enemy by posing as or using the enemy" 256 "Ideas" 257 Top 50 album list 258 Artwork: seahorse giving birth 259 Kurt on politics and abortion 260 "Cartoons, saxophones, and jazz drumming do not mix with rock and roll" 261 T-shirt seahorse design 262 "For boys" 263 Kurt on rock music 264 Video: Rape Me 265 Video: Rape Me 266 Letter to The Advocate 267 Kurt on 1993 268 Letter to The Advocate 269 Kurt on drug use and addiction 270 Kurt on drug use and addiction 271 Kurt on Sylvester Stallone 272 Kurt on Sylvester Stallone 273 NOTES 274 blank
275-8: includes accounts of select pages and transcriptions of a few particularly hard to read entries 277: 240-4, 264-5
269 - Hotel Villa Manga, Madrid, February 1994
278: 270 - Hotel Villa Magna, Madrid, February 1994
271-2: Hotel Excelsior, Roma, March 1994
Grateful acknowledge is made to EMI and The End of Music, LLC for the right to reprint the lyrics from the following songs:
Downer / Floyd the Barber / Paper Cuts / Mexican Seafood / Aero Zeppelin by Kurt Cobain © 1989 EMI VIRGIN SONGS, INC. and THE END OF MUSIC LLC. All Rights Controlled and Administered by EMI VIRGIN SONGS, INC. (BMI) All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Used by Permission. :-D
Hairspray Queen / Dive by Kurt Cobain and Krist Novoselic © 1989 EMI VIRGIN SONGS, INC. and THE END OF MUSIC LLC.and Murky Slough Music. All Rights Controlled and Administered by EMI VIRGIN SONGS, INC. (BMI) All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Used by Permission.
Aneurysm / Smells Like Teen Spirit by Kurt Cobain, Krist Novoselic, and David Grohl © 1991 EMI VIRGIN SONGS, INC. and THE END OF MUSIC LLC., M.J. Twelve Music, and Murky Slough Music. All Rights Controlled and Administered by EMI VIRGIN SONGS, INC. (BMI) All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Used by Permission.
Lithium / In Bloom / Come As You Are / Lounge Act / On A Plain by Kurt Cobain © 1991 EMI VIRGIN SONGS, INC. and THE END OF MUSIC LLC. All Rights Controlled and Administered by EMI VIRGIN SONGS, INC. (BMI) All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Used by Permission. :-D
All Apologies / Sappy AKA "Verse Chorus Verse" by Kurt Cobain © 1993 EMI VIRGIN SONGS, INC. and THE END OF MUSIC LLC. All Rights Controlled and Administered by EMI VIRGIN SONGS, INC. (BMI) All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Used by Permission. :-D
Pen Cap Chew by Kurt Cobain © 2002 EMI VIRGIN SONGS, INC. and THE END OF MUSIC LLC. All Rights Controlled and Administered by EMI VIRGIN SONGS, INC. (BMI) All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Used by Permission. :-D
Copyright information for lyrics to Lithium, In Bloom, Come As You Are, Lounge Act, On A Plain, Smells Like Teen Spirit, All Apologies, Sappy aka VERSE CHORUS VERSE, and Pen Cap Chew.
It would appear that copyright was not obtained until recently for "Pen Cap Chew" which to current knowledge only exists in an unfinished 8-track recording from the band's first demo. This could be evidence for future release of the song.
Also it should be noted that "Opinion" is not listed in this copyright section, nor is the song also known as VERSE CHORUS VERSE, with lyrics found on pages on 144 among others. Perhaps this could mean these songs will not be released in the future.
These journal entries by Nirvana front man Cobain record his thoughts from the late 1980s until his suicide in 1994. There are no real answers to his death to be found in this collection of scrawled notes, first drafts of letters, shopping lists, and ballpoint pen drawings, although the nature of Cobain's fame will make it hard for readers not to look for them. At best, a series of intimate portraits emerge: a kid from high school; a cousin and neighbor; a bright, sensitive, fun-loving and morbid punk rocker who became spokesman for a generation he largely detested.
感谢者: |
葛荣存, 许黎之, vergelian, hashao  , 风卷残云, Ceeotaku, jasonmraz, 131180025, xiongcheng, harrykkk, george, Hsinchu, fireorfire, 七彩乱码, shxstc, oubeichen, cindyandrainy, longlongji, shengscum
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[柯特·科本日记]Kurt.Cobain.-.Journals.rar |
54.05 MB |