[巴赫][Bach 2000][Teldec][1999][APE][154CD全]
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ZiJingBT.Johann Sebastian Bach.torrent |
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Johann Sebastian Bach |
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41.73 GB | 文件数:
643 | Info Hash:
c04c3e7d8cdb0dd94de43c2444128fd990212568 |
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Bach 2000: The Complete Bach Edition (Includes Commemorative Book) 表演者: Various performers / Various ensembles / Giovanni Antonini / Gustav Leonhardt / Ton Koopman / Harnoncourt, Alice / Gritton, Robin 唱片数: 154CD 条型码: 0639842570428 发行时间: 1999-09-14 版本特性: Box set / Limited Edition 出版者: Teldec 介质: Audio CD
唱片介绍 《巴赫2000》,是Teldec公司为纪念巴赫逝世250周年出版的一套巴赫作品全集,全套150张唱片。收录了许多音乐家及乐团演出的巴赫作品,其中所有大合唱都是由著名指挥家哈农库特和莱昂哈特倾注20年的心血录制的。整个作品集在录制过程中使用了原来创作时所用的乐器,力求在演出时准确理解其作品所要表达的效果,同时又努力以全新的方法加以诠释。 指挥演绎唱片的哈农库特和莱昂哈特两位音乐家都是国际知名的古乐大师,与众多的以演奏古乐的音乐家一样,他们身上也同时具有音乐素质和学者气质。哈农库特1929年生于柏林,十岁开始演奏大提琴,曾任维也纳交响乐园大提琴手。在演奏之余,他对古乐的收集整理也很有兴趣。1953年他与妻子一同创立了维也纳古乐团(The concentus mus cuswien),尝试以当时的乐器演奏古乐,此举轰动乐坛。1963年,他与该团在Telde... (展开全部) 《巴赫2000》,是Teldec公司为纪念巴赫逝世250周年出版的一套巴赫作品全集,全套150张唱片。收录了许多音乐家及乐团演出的巴赫作品,其中所有大合唱都是由著名指挥家哈农库特和莱昂哈特倾注20年的心血录制的。整个作品集在录制过程中使用了原来创作时所用的乐器,力求在演出时准确理解其作品所要表达的效果,同时又努力以全新的方法加以诠释。 指挥演绎唱片的哈农库特和莱昂哈特两位音乐家都是国际知名的古乐大师,与众多的以演奏古乐的音乐家一样,他们身上也同时具有音乐素质和学者气质。哈农库特1929年生于柏林,十岁开始演奏大提琴,曾任维也纳交响乐园大提琴手。在演奏之余,他对古乐的收集整理也很有兴趣。1953年他与妻子一同创立了维也纳古乐团(The concentus mus cuswien),尝试以当时的乐器演奏古乐,此举轰动乐坛。1963年,他与该团在Teldec公司录制了第一张唱片。哈农库特的演奏以严谨、考究原谱著称。近年他也指挥一些古典时期大师的作品。莱昂哈特1928年生于荷兰,除指挥外,也是羽管键琴家和管风琴家。曾在巴塞尔圣歌学院求学,1950年在维也纳首演。他编订有巴赫的《赋格的艺术》和斯韦林克的作品。 对于巴洛克以及早期音乐的作品,选择这些对早期音乐深有研究的大师的录音不会有错。总的来说,演出的权威性无可置疑。男童合唱不仅在合唱中,而且还在独唱部分取代了女声,就合唱的编制来说,就算巴赫本人也一定非常喜欢演奏中有许多优美的旋律,高音独唱家的声音质量能够使听众更加注意到音乐本身,音乐给听众以耳目一新的感觉。早期的模拟录音转换成CD后音响是一流的,没有背景噪音,清晰而优雅的声音使得人声和伴唱部分都十分突出,后期的数字录音非常出色。 “巴赫2000”中的核心部分是“康塔塔全集”。巴赫一生创作了4至5套康塔 塔,总计在300首左右,现存约200多首。“巴赫2000”的推出在国际音乐界 将产生极大的影响。首先,它提出了评判巴赫作品真伪的标准。因为近年来随着研究的 深入,一些著名的巴赫作品都受到了质疑,如d小调托卡塔BWV565、双小提琴与古钢琴奏鸣曲WV1037等。“巴赫2000”收入了所有一贯认为是或最近被认定 是巴赫创作的作品。其次,全集作品的所有曲目全部以最原始的乐谱为基础、以最新的 研究成果为辅助,以仿古乐器和演奏手法来演绎。这一做法无疑将为兴起于本世纪60年代、至今影响仍不断扩大的“本真运动”、“古乐运动”添薪加力。 一张精选CD可以让大多数对1 54张CD望而生畏的乐迷也领略到“巴赫2000”的风采。人们将在巴赫的音乐声 中跨过千年的门槛,2000年属于巴赫,新世纪属于巴赫。
曲目 · · · · · · Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern Du Wahrer Gottes und Marien Sohn Erfuellet, ihr himmlischen goettlichen Flammen Ein irdscher Glanz, wein leiblich Licht Unser Mund und Ton der Saiten Wie Schon Leuchtet Der Morgenstern, BWV 1: Chor: 'Wie Bin Ich Doch So Herzlich Froh' - Wiener Sangerknaben/Chor Viennensis/Hans Gillesberger Ach Gott, Vom Himmel Sieh Darein, BWV 2: Chor: 'Ach Gott, Vom Himmel Sieh Darein' - Wiener Sangerknaben/Chor Viennensis/Hans Gillesberger Ach Gott, Vom Himmel Sieh Darein, BWV 2: Recitativo: 'Sie Lehren Eitel Falsche List' - Kurt Equiluz Ach Gott, Vom Himmel Sieh Darein, BWV 2: Aria: 'Tilg, O Gott, Die Lehren' - Paul Esswood Ach Gott, Vom Himmel Sieh Darein, BWV 2: Recitativo: 'Die Armen Sind Verstort' - Max Van Egmond Ach Gott, Vom Himmel Sieh Darein, BWV 2: Aria: 'Durchs Feuer Wird Das Silber Rein' - Kurt Equiluz Ach Gott, Vom Himmel Sieh Darein, BWV 2: Chor: 'Das Wollst Du, Gott, Bewahren Rein' - Wiener Sangerknaben/Chor Viennensis/Hans Gillesberger Ach Gott, Wie Manches Herzeleid, BWV 3: Chor: 'Ach Gott, Wie Manches Herzeleid' - Wiener Sangerknaben/Chor Viennensis/Hans Gillesberger Ach Gott, Wie Manches Herzeleid, BWV 3: Choral Recitativo: 'Wie Schwerlich Lasst Sich Fleisch Und... - Wiener Sangerknaben/Hans Gillesberger/Paul Esswood/Kurt Equiluz/Max Van Egmond... Ach Gott, Wie Manches Herzeleid, BWV 3: Aria: 'Empfind Ich Hollenangst Und Pein' - Max Van Egmond Ach Gott, Wie Manches Herzeleid, BWV 3: Recitativo: 'Es Mag Mir Leib Und Geist Verschmachten' - Kurt Equiluz Ach Gott, Wie Manches Herzeleid, BWV 3: Aria: 'Wenn Sorgen Auf Mich Dringen' - Wiener Sangerknaben/Hans Gillesberger/Paul Esswood Ach Gott, Wie Manches Herzeleid, BWV 3: Chor: 'Erhalt Mein Herz Im Glauben Rein' - Wiener Sangerknaben/Chor Viennensis/Hans Gillesberger Ich elender Mensch, wer wird mich erloesen O Schmerz, o Elend, so mich trifft Solls ja so sein Ach lege das Sodom der suendlichen Glieder Hier aber tut des Heilands Hand Ich Elender Mensch, Wer Wird Mich Erlosen, BWV 48: Aria: 'Vergibt Mir Jesus Meine Sunden' - Kurt Equiluz Ich Elender Mensch, Wer Wird Mich Erlosen, BWV 48: Chor: 'Herr Jesu Christ, Einiger Trost' - Wiener Sangerknaben/Chor Viennensis/Hans Gillesberger Ich Geh Und Suche Mit Verlangen, BWV 49: Sinf - Concentus Musicus Wien/Nikolaus Harnoncourt Ich Geh Und Suche Mit Verlangen, BWV 49: Aria: 'Ich Geh Und Suche Mit Verlangen' - Ruud Van Der Meer Ich Geh Und Suche Mit Verlangen, BWV 49: Recitativo Ed Arioso: 'Mein Mahl Ist Zubereit'' - Ruud Van Der Meer/Peter Jelosits Ich Geh Und Suche Mit Verlangen, BWV 49: Aria: 'Ich Bin Herrlich, Ich Bin Schon' - Peter Jelosits Ich Geh Und Suche Mit Verlangen, BWV 49: Recitativo: 'Mein Glaube Hat Mich Selbst So Angezogen' - Peter Jelosits/Ruud Van Der Meer Ich Geh Und Suche Mit Verlangen, BWV 49: Aria (Duetto): 'Dich Hab Ich Je Und Je Geliebet' - Peter Jelosits/Ruud Van Der Meer Nun Ist Das Heil Und Die Kraft, BWV 50: Chor: 'Nun Ist Das Heil Und Die Kraft' - Wiener Sangerknaben/Chor Viennensis/Hans Gillesberger Jauchzet Gott In Allen Landen, BWV 51: Aria: 'Jauchzet Gott In Allen Landen!' - Marianne Kweksilber Jauchzet Gott In Allen Landen, BWV 51: Recitativo: 'Wir Beten Zu Dem Tempel An' - Marianne Kweksilber Jauchzet Gott In Allen Landen, BWV 51: Aria: 'Hochster, Mache Deine Gute' - Marianne Kweksilber Jauchzet Gott In Allen Landen, BWV 51: Chor: 'Sei Lob Und Preis Mit Ehren' - Marianne Kweksilber Jauchzet Gott In Allen Landen, BWV 51: Aria: 'Alleluja!' - Marianne Kweksilber (Caro) Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Alto, Tenore) Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Soprano) Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Basso) Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Alto) Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan Was Gott Tut, Das Ist Wohlgetan, BWV 100: Chor: 'Was Gott Tut, Das Ist Wohlgetan' - Knabenchor Hannover/Heinz Hennig/Collegium Vocale, Gent/Philippe Herreweghe Nimm Von Uns, Herr, Du Treuer Gott, BWV 101: Chor: 'Nimm Von Uns, Herr, Du Treuer Gott' - Tolzer Knabenchor/Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden Nimm Von Uns, Herr, Du Treuer Gott, BWV 101: Aria: 'Handle Nicht Nach Deinen Rechten' - Kurt Equiluz Nimm Von Uns, Herr, Du Treuer Gott, BWV 101: Recitativo-Chor: 'Ach! Herr Gott, Durch Die Treue Dein' - Wilhelm Wiedl Nimm Von Uns, Herr, Du Treuer Gott, BWV 101: Aria: 'Warum Willst Du So Zornig Sein?' - Philippe Huttenlocher Nimm Von Uns, Herr, Du Treuer Gott, BWV 101: Recitativo-Chor: 'Die Sund Hat Uns Verderbet Sehr' - Kurt Equiluz Nimm Von Uns, Herr, Du Treuer Gott, BWV 101: Aria (Duetto): 'Gedenk An Jesu Bittern Tod!' - Wilhelm Wiedl/Paul Esswood Nimm Von Uns, Herr, Du Treuer Gott, BWV 101: Chor: 'Leit Uns Mit Deiner Rechten Hand' - Tolzer Knabenchor/Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden Herr, Deine Augen Sehen Nach Dem Glauben, BWV 102, Prima Parte: Chor: 'Herr, Deine Augen Sehen... - Tolzer Knabenchor/Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden Herr, Deine Augen Sehen Nach Dem Glauben, BWV 102, Prima Parte: Recitativo: 'Wo Ist Das Ebenbild' - Philippe Huttenlocher Herr, Deine Augen Sehen Nach Dem Glauben, BWV 102, Prima Parte: Aria: 'Weh Der Seele' - Paul Esswood Herr, Deine Augen Sehen Nach Dem Glauben, BWV 102, Prima Parte: Arioso: 'Verachtest Du Den... - Philippe Huttenlocher Herr, Deine Augen Sehen Nach Dem Glauben, BWV 102, Seconda Parte: Aria: 'Erschrecke Doch, Du... - Kurt Equiluz Herr, Deine Augen Sehen Nach Dem Glauben, BWV 102, Seconda Parte: Recitativo: 'Beim Warten Ist... - Paul Esswood Herr, Deine Augen Sehen Nach Dem Glauben, BWV 102, Seconda Parte: Chor: Heut Lebst Du, Heut... - Tolzer Knabenchor/Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden Sinfonia Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich Doch bin und bleibe ich vergnuegt Leite mich in deiner Wahrheit Zedern muessen von den Winden Nach Dir, Herr, Verlanget Mich, BWV 150: Chor: 'Meine Augen Sehen Stets Zu Dem Herrn' - Knabenchor Hannover/Heinz Hennig/Collegium Vocale, Gent/Philippe Herreweghe Nach Dir, Herr, Verlanget Mich, BWV 150: Chor: 'Meine Tage In Dem Leide' - Knabenchor Hannover/Heinz Hennig/Collegium Vocale, Gent/Philippe Herreweghe Susser Trost, Mein Jesus Kommt, BWV 151: Aria: 'Susser Trost, Mein Jesus Kommt' - Sebastian Hennig Susser Trost, Mein Jesus Kommt, BWV 151: Recitativo: 'Erfreue Dich, Mein Herz' - Max Van Egmond Susser Trost, Mein Jesus Kommt, BWV 151: Aria: 'In Jesu Demut Kann Ich Trost' - Paul Esswood Susser Trost, Mein Jesus Kommt, BWV 151: Recitativo: 'Du Teurer Gottessohn' - Kurt Equiluz Susser Trost, Mein Jesus Kommt, BWV 151: Chor: 'Heut Schleusst Er Wieder Auf Die Tur' - Knabenchor Hannover/Heinz Hennig/Collegium Vocale, Gent/Philippe Herreweghe Tritt Auf Die Glaubensbahn, BWV 152: Con - Concentus Musicus Wien/Nikolaus Harnoncourt Tritt Auf Die Glaubensbahn, BWV 152: Aria: 'Tritt Auf Die Glaubensbahn' - Thomas Hampson Tritt Auf Die Glaubensbahn, BWV 152: Recitativo: 'Der Heiland Ist Gesetzt' - Thomas Hampson Tritt Auf Die Glaubensbahn, BWV 152: Aria: 'Stein, Der Uber Alle Schatze' - Christoph Wegmann Tritt Auf Die Glaubensbahn, BWV 152: Recitativo: 'Es Argre Sich Die Kluge Welt' - Thomas Hampson Tritt Auf Die Glaubensbahn, BWV 152: Duetto: 'Wie Soll Ich Dich, Liebster Der Seelen, Umfassen?' - Christoph Wegmann/Thomas Hampson Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Chor: 'Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind' - Tolzer Knabenchor//Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Recitativo: 'Mein Liebster Gott' - Stefan Rampf Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Aria: 'Furchte Dich Nicht, Ich Bin Mit Dir' - Thomas Hampson Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Recitativo: 'Du Sprichst Zwar, Lieber Gott' - Kurt Equiluz Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Chor: 'Und Ob Gleich Alle Teufel - Tolzer Knabenchor//Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Aria: 'Sturmt Nur, Sturmt, Ihr Trubsalswetter' - Kurt Equiluz Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Recitativo: 'Getrost! Mein Herz, Erdulde Deinen... - Thomas Hampson Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Aria: 'Soll Ich Meinen Lebeslauf' - Stefan Rampf Schau, Lieber Gott, Wie Meine Feind, BWV 153: Chor: 'Drum Will Ich, Weil Ich Lebe Noch' - Tolzer Knabenchor//Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht Auf, Sterbliche, lasset ein Jauchzen ertoenen So bald, als dir die Sternen hold Es streiten, es siegen die kuenftigen Zeiten Bedenke nur, begluecktes Land Die Zeit, Die Tag Und Jahre Macht, BWV 134A: Aria: 'Der Zeiten Herr Hat Viel Vergnugte Stunden' - Michael Chance Die Zeit, Die Tag Und Jahre Macht, BWV 134A: Recitativo: 'Hilf, Hochster, Hilf' - Michael Chance/Paul Agnew Die Zeit, Die Tag Und Jahre Macht, BWV 134A: Chor: 'Ergetzet Auf Erden' - The Amsterdam Baroque Chor/Ton Koopman Durchlauchtster Leopold, BWV 173A: Recitativo: 'Durchlauchtster Leopold' - Lisa Larsson Durchlauchtster Leopold, BWV 173A: Aria: 'Guldner Sonnen Frohe Stunden' - Lisa Larsson Durchlauchtster Leopold, BWV 173A: Aria: 'Leopolds Vortrefflichkeiten' - Klaus Mertens Durchlauchtster Leopold, BWV 173A: Aria: 'Unter Seinem Purpursaum' - Lisa Larsson/Klaus Mertens Durchlauchtster Leopold, BWV 173A: Recitativo: 'Durchlauchtigster, Den Anhalt Vater Nennt' - Lisa Larsson/Klaus Mertens Durchlauchtster Leopold, BWV 173A: Aria: 'So Schau Des Holden Tages Licht' - Lisa Larsson Durchlauchtster Leopold, BWV 173A: Aria: 'Dein Name Gleich Der Sonnen Geh' - Klaus Mertens Durchlauchtster Leopold, BWV 173A: Chor: 'Nimm Auch, Grosser Furst, Uns Auf' - Lisa Larsson/Klaus Mertens Kyrie eleison Christe eleison Kyrie eleison Gloria in excelsis Deo Laudamus te Mass in b, BWV 232: I. Missa: Gloria: Gratias Agimus Tibi - Arnold Schoenberg Chor/Erwin Ortner Mass in b, BWV 232: I. Missa: Gloria: Domine Deus - Angela Maria Blasi/Kurt Equiluz Mass in b, BWV 232: I. Missa: Gloria: Qui Tollis - Arnold Schoenberg Chor/Erwin Ortner Mass in b, BWV 232: I. Missa: Gloria: Qui Sedes - Jadwiga Rappe Mass in b, BWV 232: I. Missa: Gloria: Quoniam To Solus - Arnold Schoenberg Chor/Erwin Ortner Mass in b, BWV 232: I. Missa: Gloria: Cum Sancto Spiritu - Arnold Schoenberg Chor/Erwin Ortner Singet dem Herrn ein neres Lied Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf Komm, Jesu, komm Jesu, meine Freude Fuerchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir Lobet Den Herrn, Alle Heiden, BWV 230 - Stockholm Bach Chor/Anders Ohrwall Fantasia et Fuga in g BWV 542 Fuga in g BWV 578 Canzona in d BWV 588 Praeludium et Fuga in h BWV 544 Praeludium et Fuga in a BWV 543 Fant in c, BWV 562 - Ton Koopman Prld Et Fuga in C, BWV 531 - Ton Koopman Fant in G, BWV 572 - Ton Koopman Fant in C, BWV 570 - Ton Koopman Passacaglia in c, BWV 582 - Ton Koopman Inventio 1 BWV 772 Inventio 2 BWV 773 Inventio 3 BWV 774 Inventio 4 BWV 775 Inventio 5 BWV 776 Inventio 6 in E, BWV 777 - Zuzana Ruzickova Inventio 7 in e, BWV 778 - Zuzana Ruzickova Inventio 8 in F, BWV 779 - Zuzana Ruzickova Inventio 9 in f, BWV 780 - Zuzana Ruzickova Inventio 10 in G, BWV 781 - Zuzana Ruzickova Inventio 11 in g, BWV 782 - Zuzana Ruzickova Inventio 12 in A, BWV 783 - Zuzana Ruzickova Inventio 13 in a, BWV 784 - Zuzana Ruzickova Inventio 14 in B flat, BWV 785 - Zuzana Ruzickova Inventio 15 in b, BWV 786 - Zuzana Ruzickova Sinf 1 in C, BWV 787 - Zuzana Ruzickova Sinf 2 in c, BWV 788 - Zuzana Ruzickova Sinf 3 in D, BWV 789 - Zuzana Ruzickova Sinf 4 in d, BWV 790 - Zuzana Ruzickova Sinf 5 in E flat, BWV 791 - Zuzana Ruzickova Sinf 6 in E, BWV 792 - Zuzana Ruzickova Sinf 7 in e, BWV 793 - Zuzana Ruzickova Sinf 8 in F, BWV 794 - Zuzana Ruzickova Sinf 9 in f, BWV 795 - Zuzana Ruzickova Sinf 10 in G, BWV 796 - Zuzana Ruzickova Sinf 11 in g, BWV 797 - Zuzana Ruzickova Sinf 12 in A, BWV 798 - Zuzana Ruzickova Sinf 13 in a, BWV 799 - Zuzana Ruzickova Sinf 14 in B flat, BWV 800 - Zuzana Ruzickova Sinf 15 in b, BWV 801 - Zuzana Ruzickova Prelude and Fugue in A minor: Praeludium Prelude and Fugue in A minor: Fuga Prelude and Fughetta in E minor: Praeludium Prelude and Fughetta in E minor: Fuga Prelude in G major BWV 902a Fant And Fugue in a, BWV 904: Fant - Zuzana Ruzickova Fant And Fugue in a, BWV 904: Fuga - Zuzana Ruzickova Clavier-Buchlein Vor W.F. Bach: Prld in C, BWV 924 - Zuzana Ruzickova Clavier-Buchlein Vor W.F. Bach: Prld in D, BWV 925 - Zuzana Ruzickova Clavier-Buchlein Vor W.F. Bach: Prld in d, BWV 926 - Zuzana Ruzickova Clavier-Buchlein Vor W.F. Bach: Prld in F, BWV 927 - Zuzana Ruzickova Clavier-Buchlein Vor W.F. Bach: Prld in F, BWV 928 - Zuzana Ruzickova Clavier-Buchlein Vor W.F. Bach: Prld in g, BWV 930 - Zuzana Ruzickova Clavier-Buchlein Vor W.F. Bach: Prld in a, BWV 931 - Zuzana Ruzickova Prld in E, BWV 937 - Zuzana Ruzickova Prld in C, BWV 939 - Zuzana Ruzickova Prld in d, BWV 940 - Zuzana Ruzickova Applicatio in C, BWV 994 - Zuzana Ruzickova Suite in G minor BWV 995: Prelude Suite in G minor BWV 995: Allemande Suite in G minor BWV 995: Courante Suite in G minor BWV 995: Sarabande Suite in G minor BWV 995: Gavotte I - Gavotte II en Rondeau Ste in g, BWV 995: Gigue - Luca Pianca Ste in e, BWV 996: Prld (Passagio-Presto) - Michele Barchi Ste in e, BWV 996: Allemande - Michele Barchi Ste in e, BWV 996: Courante - Michele Barchi Ste in e, BWV 996: Sarabande - Michele Barchi Ste in e, BWV 996: Bourree - Michele Barchi Ste in e, BWV 996: Gigue - Michele Barchi Ste in c, BWV 997: Prld - Michele Barchi/Luca Pianca Ste in c, BWV 997: Fuga - Michele Barchi/Luca Pianca Ste in c, BWV 997: Sarabande - Michele Barchi/Luca Pianca Ste in c, BWV 997: Gigue-Double - Michele Barchi/Luca Pianca Concerto for two violins BWV 1043: Vivace Concerto for two violins BWV 1043: Largo, ma non tanto Concerto for two violins BWV 1043: Allegro Concerto BWV 1042: Allegro Concerto BWV 1042: Adagio Con in E, BWV 1042: Allegro Assai - Alice Harnoncourt Con in a, BWV 1041: Allegro - Alice Harnoncourt Con in a, BWV 1041: Andante - Alice Harnoncourt Con in a, BWV 1041: Allegro Assai - Alice Harnoncourt Con in g, BWV 1056R: (Allegro) - Alice Harnoncourt Con in g, BWV 1056R: Largo - Alice Harnoncourt Con in g, BWV 1056R: Presto - Alice Harnoncourt Con in g, BWV 1060R: Allegro - Jurg Schaeftlein/Alice Harnoncourt Con in g, BWV 1060R: Adagio - Jurg Schaeftlein/Alice Harnoncourt Con in g, BWV 1060R: Allegro - Jurg Schaeftlein/Alice Harnoncourt |
感谢者: |
秋之惑星, HG87, 年小九, s0001k, f4greg, Routt, 冰墨魂, 风之子
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 01, Sacred cantatas/Bach_Bach 2000 vol. 1, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 07/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 01, Sacred cantatas/Bach_Bach 2000 vol. 1, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 08/08.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 01, Sacred cantatas/Bach_Bach 2000 vol. 1, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 10/Geistliche Kantaten BWV 30, 31.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 01, Sacred cantatas/Bach_Bach 2000 vol. 1, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 11/11.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 01, Sacred cantatas/Bach_Bach 2000 vol. 1, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 12/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 01, Sacred cantatas/Bach_Bach 2000 vol. 1, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 12/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 01, Sacred cantatas/Bach_Bach 2000 vol. 1, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 12/Geistliche Kantaten.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 01, Sacred cantatas/Bach_Bach 2000 vol. 1, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 13/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 01, Sacred cantatas/Bach_Bach 2000 vol. 1, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 13/13.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 01, Sacred cantatas/Bach_Bach 2000 vol. 1, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 13/Geistliche Kantaten BWV 37 - 40.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 01, Sacred cantatas/Bach_Bach 2000 vol. 1, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 14/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 01, Sacred cantatas/Bach_Bach 2000 vol. 1, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 14/Geistliche Kantaten BWV 41 - 43.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 01, Sacred cantatas/Bach_Bach 2000 vol. 1, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 15/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 01, Sacred cantatas/Bach_Bach 2000 vol. 1, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 15/Geistliche Kantaten BWV 44 - 47.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 01, Sacred cantatas/Vol 01 Back Cover.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 01/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 01/01.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 02/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 02/02.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 03/03.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 03/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 04/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 04/04.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 06/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 08/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 08/08.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 10/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 12/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 13/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 13/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 13/Geistliche Kantaten BWV 91 - 93.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 14/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 vol. 2, sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 15/Geitsliche Kantaten BWV 97 - 99.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Vol 02 Back Cover.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 02, Sacred cantatas/Vol 02 Cover.JPG |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 03, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 Vol. 3, Sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 01/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 03, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 Vol. 3, Sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 02/Geistliche Kantaten BWV 103 - 105.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 03, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 Vol. 3, Sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 06/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 03, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 Vol. 3, Sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 07/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 03, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 Vol. 3, Sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 07/07.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 03, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 Vol. 3, Sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 09/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 03, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 Vol. 3, Sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 10/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 03, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 Vol. 3, Sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 10/Kantatenwerk Vol 7 cd 4.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 03, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 Vol. 3, Sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 11/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 03, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 Vol. 3, Sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 11/11.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 03, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 Vol. 3, Sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 11/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 03, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 Vol. 3, Sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 11/Geistliche Kantaten BWV 131 - 133.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 03, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 Vol. 3, Sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 12/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 03, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 Vol. 3, Sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 12/Geistliche Kantaten BWV 134 - 137.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 03, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 Vol. 3, Sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 13/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 03, Sacred cantatas/Bach 2000 Vol. 3, Sacred cantatas_Teldec - CD 14/Geistliche Kantaten BWV 143 - 146.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 06, The sacred vocal works, The masses, Magnificat, Passions, Oratorios/Bach 2000 Vol. 6, The sacred vocal works......_Teldec - CD 05/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 06, The sacred vocal works, The masses, Magnificat, Passions, Oratorios/Bach 2000 Vol. 6, The sacred vocal works......_Teldec - CD 10/Johannes Passion.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 06, The sacred vocal works, The masses, Magnificat, Passions, Oratorios/Bach 2000 Vol. 6, The sacred vocal works......_Teldec - CD 11/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 06, The sacred vocal works, The masses, Magnificat, Passions, Oratorios/Bach 2000 Vol. 6, The sacred vocal works......_Teldec - CD 12/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 06, The sacred vocal works, The masses, Magnificat, Passions, Oratorios/Bach 2000 Vol. 6, The sacred vocal works......_Teldec - CD 12/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 06, The sacred vocal works, The masses, Magnificat, Passions, Oratorios/Bach 2000 Vol. 6, The sacred vocal works......_Teldec - CD 13/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 06, The sacred vocal works, The masses, Magnificat, Passions, Oratorios/Bach 2000 Vol. 6, The sacred vocal works......_Teldec - CD 13/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 06, The sacred vocal works, The masses, Magnificat, Passions, Oratorios/Bach 2000 Vol. 6, The sacred vocal works......_Teldec - CD 14/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 06, The sacred vocal works, The masses, Magnificat, Passions, Oratorios/Bach 2000 Vol. 6, The sacred vocal works......_Teldec - CD 14/Vol 06 Back Cover.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 06, The sacred vocal works, The masses, Magnificat, Passions, Oratorios/Bach 2000 Vol. 6, The sacred vocal works......_Teldec - CD 14/Vol 06 Cover.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 06, The sacred vocal works, The masses, Magnificat, Passions, Oratorios/Bach 2000 Vol. 6, The sacred vocal works......_Teldec - CD 14/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 06, The sacred vocal works, The masses, Magnificat, Passions, Oratorios/Bach 2000 Vol. 6, The sacred vocal works......_Teldec - CD 14/Easter Oratorio, BWV 249.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 06, The sacred vocal works, The masses, Magnificat, Passions, Oratorios/Vol 06 Back Cover.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 06, The sacred vocal works, The masses, Magnificat, Passions, Oratorios/Vol 06 Cover.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 07, The mottets, chorales & songs/Bach 2000 Vol. 7, The mottets, chorales & songs_Telarc - CD 06/Sacred Songs (Schemelli) - Bach 2000.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 07, The mottets, chorales & songs/Booklet_6.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 07, The mottets, chorales & songs/Booklet_1.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 07, The mottets, chorales & songs/Booklet_2.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 07, The mottets, chorales & songs/Booklet_4.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 07, The mottets, chorales & songs/Booklet_7.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 07, The mottets, chorales & songs/Vol 07 Cover.JPG |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 01/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 01/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 01/Unknown Title.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 02/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 02/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 03/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 03/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 03/Unknown Title.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 04/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 04/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 04/Unknown Title.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 05/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 05/Unknown Title.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 06/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 06/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 06/Unknown Title.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 07/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 07/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 07/Unknown Title.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 08/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 08/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 08/Unknown Title.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 09/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 11/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 11/Unknown Title.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 12/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 12/Unknown Title.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 13/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 14/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 15/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 15/Unknown Title.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Bach 2000 Vol. 8, The organ works_Teldec - CD 16/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Booklet_16.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Booklet_01.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Booklet_12.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Booklet_14.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Booklet_04.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Booklet_07.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Booklet_15.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Booklet_09.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Booklet_06.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Booklet_11.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Booklet_08.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Booklet_10.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Booklet_05.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 08, The organ works/Booklet_13.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 01/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 01/Inventions and Sinfonias - Ruzickova (Bach 2000).log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 02/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 02/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 03/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 03/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 03/J.S.Bach - Suite Inglesi & Francesi - CD 2.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 04/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 04/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 04/English & French Suites 3.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 05/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 05/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 05/Bach Keyboard Works vol 9 cd 5.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 06/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 06/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 06/Six Partitas - Scott Ross (Bach 2000) - cd1.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 07/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 07/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 07/Six Partitas - Scott Ross (Bach 2000) - cd2.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 08/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 09/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 10/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 10/Well-Tempered Clavier II - Glen Wilson (Bach 2000) - cd1.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 11/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 11/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Bach 2000 Vol. 9, Keyboard works I_Teldec - CD 11/Well-Tempered Clavier II - Glen Wilson (Bach 2000) - cd2.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 09, Keyboard works I/Booklet_01.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 01/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 01/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 01/Bach 2000, Vol. 10, CD 1 (Preludes).log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 02/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 02/02.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 02/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 02/Unknown Title.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 03/03.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 03/Unknown Title.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 04/04.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 04/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 04/Unknown Title.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 05/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 05/05.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 05/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 06/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 06/06.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 06/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 06/Goldberg Variations (Gustav Leonhardt).log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 07/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 07/07.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 07/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 07/Bach- Sonata per il cembalo.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II/Bach 2000 Vol. 10, Keyboard works II_Teldec - CD 08/08.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 11, The chamber music/Bach 2000 Vol. 11, The chamber music_Teldec - CD 08/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 11, The chamber music/Bach 2000 Vol. 11, The chamber music_Teldec - CD 09/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 11, The chamber music/Bach 2000 Vol. 11, The chamber music_Teldec - CD 10/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 11, The chamber music/Bach 2000 Vol. 11, The chamber music_Teldec - CD 12/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 11, The chamber music/Vol 11 Cover.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites/Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites_Teldec - CD 01/HARNOCOURT - Violin Concertos, BWV 1041-1043, 1056, 1060.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites/Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites_Teldec - CD 03/Bach Brandenburg Concertos Disc 2.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites/Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites_Teldec - CD 04/04.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites/Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites_Teldec - CD 04/Bach - Harpsichord Concertos - BWV 1053-1057.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites/Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites_Teldec - CD 05/Harpsichord Concertos (Disc 2).log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites/Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites_Teldec - CD 06/06.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites/Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites_Teldec - CD 06/Harpsichord Concertos (Disc 3).log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites/Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites_Teldec - CD 07/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites/Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites_Teldec - CD 07/Bach- Ouvertures Nrs. 1 And 2.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites/Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites_Teldec - CD 08/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites/Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites_Teldec - CD 08/08.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites/Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites_Teldec - CD 08/J.S. Bach- Ouvertures Nr. 3 And 4..log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites/Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites_Teldec - CD 09/CDImage.ape |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites/Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites_Teldec - CD 09/09.jpg |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites/Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites_Teldec - CD 09/CDImage.cue |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites/Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites_Teldec - CD 09/Vol.12 - CD 09 Concertos BWV 1044,1052R,1055R,1045.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites/Bach 2000 Vol. 12, Concertos & orchestral suites_Teldec - CD 10/Bach 2000 Vol 12 CD 10.log |
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Bach_Bach 2000, six excerpts illustrating performance practice/St Matthew Passion BACH 2000 .log |
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introduction & tracks.txt |
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