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[经济学人2019.10.26][The Economist 20191026][MP3 PDF MOBI EPUB]

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文件名: ZiJingBT.[NPUBits].20191026.torrent
种子名称: 20191026
信息: 大小: 269.23 MB | 文件数: 101 | Info Hash: 53a37630b12ae225042d06d6eebb89f33cf7a6a8
类别: 学习 | zxm (广大站友) 上传于 2019-11-13 12:41:52
活跃度: 做种(0)/下载(0) | 完成下载 (20) (最近一次活动时间 2020-11-21 14:49:54 / 种子活动时间 2020-11-21 14:49:54)
内容简介: image
《经济学人》(英语:The Economist)是一份英国的英文新闻周报,分八个版本面向全球发行,其编辑部位于伦敦。它在1843年9月由詹姆斯·威尔逊创办。在创办之初,《经济学人》以报纸版式发行;时至今日,尽管它已经采用小开本、光面纸的杂志版式出版,但它依然沿用旧时的习惯,将自己称为“报纸”。2017年上半年,《经济学人》实体和数字刊物的平均每周发行量合共达到144万份,其中近六成发行量位于北美地区。


虽然刊名为“经济学人”(英文名The Economist为“经济学家”之义),但《经济学人》并非专门研究经济学,也不是学术期刊,而是一本涉及全球政治、经济、文化、科技等多方面事务的综合性新闻评论刊物,着重于对这些议题提供深入的分析和评论。它的社论持有古典自由主义与经济自由主义的立场,倾向于支持自由贸易、全球化、人口自由流动和社会自由主义(例如支持同性婚姻合法化)。它曾将自己形容为“亚当·斯密与大卫·休谟的苏格兰式自由主义的产物”。它面向教育程度较高的人群,读者中包括诸多具有影响力的高管和决策者。
感谢者: 葛荣存, 冰墨魂
(已有 2 人表达了感谢)


文件 大小
The Economist - 20191026.pdf 22.49 MB
The Economist - 20191026.mobi 20.34 MB
The Economist - 20191026.epub 10.85 MB
The Economist - 20191026/001 Introduction.mp3 286.59 KB
The Economist - 20191026/002 The world this week - Politics this week.mp3 2.90 MB
The Economist - 20191026/003 The world this week - Business this week.mp3 2.33 MB
The Economist - 20191026/004 Leaders.mp3 233.79 KB
The Economist - 20191026/005 Leaders - Elizabeth Warren.mp3 3.29 MB
The Economist - 20191026/006 Leaders - India_s economy.mp3 1.99 MB
The Economist - 20191026/007 Leaders - Putin_s world.mp3 2.40 MB
The Economist - 20191026/008 Leaders - China_s Uighurs.mp3 2.33 MB
The Economist - 20191026/009 Leaders - Coral reefs.mp3 2.33 MB
The Economist - 20191026/010 Letters - Letters to the editor.mp3 3.57 MB
The Economist - 20191026/011 Briefing.mp3 164.65 KB
The Economist - 20191026/012 Briefing - American capitalism.mp3 8.27 MB
The Economist - 20191026/013 United States.mp3 230.78 KB
The Economist - 20191026/014 United States - Trying times.mp3 2.75 MB
The Economist - 20191026/015 United States - Convicts_ voting rights.mp3 2.10 MB
The Economist - 20191026/016 United States - Rikers Island prison.mp3 2.00 MB
The Economist - 20191026/017 United States - California_s blackouts.mp3 2.09 MB
The Economist - 20191026/018 United States - The Open Skies treaty.mp3 2.49 MB
The Economist - 20191026/019 United States - Lexington.mp3 2.90 MB
The Economist - 20191026/020 The Americas.mp3 230.96 KB
The Economist - 20191026/021 The Americas - Canada_s election.mp3 2.96 MB
The Economist - 20191026/022 The Americas - Crime in Mexico.mp3 3.46 MB
The Economist - 20191026/023 The Americas - Bello.mp3 2.19 MB
The Economist - 20191026/024 The Americas - Colombia.mp3 1.18 MB
The Economist - 20191026/025 The Americas - Bolivia_s election.mp3 1.88 MB
The Economist - 20191026/026 Asia.mp3 226.85 KB
The Economist - 20191026/027 Asia - Coral in Asia.mp3 3.88 MB
The Economist - 20191026/028 Asia - Thailand_s ruthless king.mp3 1.74 MB
The Economist - 20191026/029 Asia - China in the Pacific.mp3 1.47 MB
The Economist - 20191026/030 Asia - Karachi.mp3 1.35 MB
The Economist - 20191026/031 Asia - Banyan.mp3 2.43 MB
The Economist - 20191026/032 Asia - Indonesian politics.mp3 1.55 MB
The Economist - 20191026/033 Asia - Aboriginal rights.mp3 1.69 MB
The Economist - 20191026/034 China.mp3 217.61 KB
The Economist - 20191026/035 China - Uighurs in exile.mp3 3.14 MB
The Economist - 20191026/036 China - Gay nightlife.mp3 1.73 MB
The Economist - 20191026/037 China - Chaguan.mp3 3.20 MB
The Economist - 20191026/038 Middle East and Africa.mp3 233.64 KB
The Economist - 20191026/039 Middle East and Africa - Russia in Africa.mp3 4.37 MB
The Economist - 20191026/040 Middle East and Africa - The war in Syria.mp3 2.26 MB
The Economist - 20191026/041 Middle East and Africa - South African politics.mp3 1.84 MB
The Economist - 20191026/042 Middle East and Africa - Protests in Lebanon.mp3 2.26 MB
The Economist - 20191026/043 Europe.mp3 227.16 KB
The Economist - 20191026/044 Europe - Visegrad economies.mp3 3.45 MB
The Economist - 20191026/045 Europe - North Macedonia.mp3 1.74 MB
The Economist - 20191026/046 Europe - Dutch environmentalism.mp3 1.66 MB
The Economist - 20191026/047 Europe - Spanish history.mp3 1.07 MB
The Economist - 20191026/048 Europe - Charlemagne.mp3 3.09 MB
The Economist - 20191026/049 Britain.mp3 218.50 KB
The Economist - 20191026/050 Britain - The Brexit deal.mp3 3.07 MB
The Economist - 20191026/051 Britain - Immigration.mp3 1.67 MB
The Economist - 20191026/052 Britain - Northern Ireland.mp3 2.06 MB
The Economist - 20191026/053 Britain - The Northern Irish economy.mp3 1.86 MB
The Economist - 20191026/054 Britain - The Liberal Democrats.mp3 1.91 MB
The Economist - 20191026/055 Britain - Education.mp3 2.18 MB
The Economist - 20191026/056 Britain - Army food.mp3 1.53 MB
The Economist - 20191026/057 Britain - Bagehot.mp3 3.10 MB
The Economist - 20191026/058 International.mp3 178.70 KB
The Economist - 20191026/059 International - The Roman Catholic church.mp3 5.00 MB
The Economist - 20191026/060 Special report.mp3 211.76 KB
The Economist - 20191026/061 Special report - India.mp3 4.66 MB
The Economist - 20191026/062 Special report - The prime minister.mp3 5.20 MB
The Economist - 20191026/063 Special report - Foreign policy.mp3 1.55 MB
The Economist - 20191026/064 Special report - Economy.mp3 6.19 MB
The Economist - 20191026/065 Special report - Three challenges.mp3 6.12 MB
The Economist - 20191026/066 Special report - The future.mp3 3.25 MB
The Economist - 20191026/067 Business.mp3 233.97 KB
The Economist - 20191026/068 Business - Big Tech and antitrust.mp3 5.72 MB
The Economist - 20191026/069 Business - Bartleby.mp3 2.04 MB
The Economist - 20191026/070 Business - Germany_s painful history.mp3 2.12 MB
The Economist - 20191026/071 Business - America Inc_s profits are under pressure.mp3 565.01 KB
The Economist - 20191026/072 Business - Business in Mexico.mp3 1.76 MB
The Economist - 20191026/073 Business - Booze in India.mp3 1.21 MB
The Economist - 20191026/074 Business - Schumpeter.mp3 3.09 MB
The Economist - 20191026/075 Finance and economics.mp3 225.11 KB
The Economist - 20191026/076 Finance and economics - Wells Fargo.mp3 2.88 MB
The Economist - 20191026/077 Finance and economics - Libra.mp3 2.13 MB
The Economist - 20191026/078 Finance and economics - The Doing Business rankings.mp3 2.07 MB
The Economist - 20191026/079 Finance and economics - Foreign investment in Japan.mp3 1.78 MB
The Economist - 20191026/080 Finance and economics - Buttonwood.mp3 2.25 MB
The Economist - 20191026/081 Finance and economics - The European Central Bank.mp3 2.22 MB
The Economist - 20191026/082 Finance and economics - Trade finance.mp3 4.25 MB
The Economist - 20191026/083 Finance and economics - Free exchange.mp3 3.05 MB
The Economist - 20191026/084 Science and technology.mp3 224.40 KB
The Economist - 20191026/085 Science and technology - Combating fake news.mp3 3.51 MB
The Economist - 20191026/086 Science and technology - Dysgenics.mp3 2.18 MB
The Economist - 20191026/087 Science and technology - Agriculture.mp3 1.17 MB
The Economist - 20191026/088 Science and technology - Alzheimer_s disease.mp3 1.83 MB
The Economist - 20191026/089 Science and technology - Museums.mp3 1.58 MB
The Economist - 20191026/090 Books and arts.mp3 223.14 KB
The Economist - 20191026/091 Books and arts - Inequality.mp3 4.19 MB
The Economist - 20191026/092 Books and arts - An everyday epic.mp3 2.12 MB
The Economist - 20191026/093 Books and arts - European cultural history.mp3 2.14 MB
The Economist - 20191026/094 Books and arts - Renaissance art.mp3 1.87 MB
The Economist - 20191026/095 Graphic detail.mp3 174.26 KB
The Economist - 20191026/096 Graphic detail - Shakespeare.mp3 1.84 MB
The Economist - 20191026/097 Obituary - Harold Bloom.mp3 3.15 MB
The Economist - 20191026/the.economist_2019-10-26.jpg 47.44 KB

