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文件名: ZiJingBT.ubuntu-17.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent
种子名称: ubuntu-17.10-desktop-amd64.iso
信息: 大小: 1.39 GB | 文件数: 1 | Info Hash: eb5fc10dd210a349a180ff22182c04ab87e01af9
类别: 软件 | fxdhi (广大站友) 上传于 2017-10-25 13:18:59
活跃度: 做种(0)/下载(0) | 完成下载 (186) (最近一次活动时间 2020-11-20 21:38:24 / 种子活动时间 2020-11-20 21:38:24)
内容简介: 这是17年10月19日发布的17.10的正式版,以下是更新说明
Features and changes
New GNOME desktop
The biggest change is the desktop environment. Ubuntu 17.10 is retiring Unity in favour of GNOME, version 3.26.1.
New Wayland
The default display server is Wayland, but can also run x.org as a session or on systems that cannot support Wayland.
New on-screen keyboard
The new Caribou on-screen keyboard is paving the way to future touchscreen laptop experience.
Same user experience
The familiar Ubuntu experience – from desktop layout to key shortcuts – remains unchanged thanks to themes and extensions.
Familiar dock
The dock that has been a staple feature of Ubuntu since 11.04 is still here, but it can now be moved to the left, right or bottom.
More customisation
The new settings application lets you easily explore all the possibilities and features of the new desktop.
Ubuntu 17.10 features the Linux kernel 4.13.
Upgrading to Ubuntu 17.10 should be seamless from Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and 17.04.
The swap is now a file that scales to what your system needs, rather than a partition, making it easier to install Ubuntu on any machine.
感谢者: 葛荣存, zyx51180, KingArthur_chn, Metoo, MelabLanceloia, xiaomeng, qwfb, Sanatoth, hanjing, 梦飞, qf129, rai, g461640437, Bilibili-OvO, SmallKing, 111140107, 张扬, lijun, 许黎之, 冰墨魂
(已有 20 人表达了感谢)



评论 #122241 由 SmallKing (上传员 南都诸葛) 于 2017-10-25 17:38:01 发表 [回复] [引用] 1 楼
评论 #122243 由 翔仔 (广大站友) 于 2017-10-25 19:46:06 发表 [回复] [引用] 2 楼
------ 回复: SmallKing(#122241) ------
评论 #125491 由 大大卷 (广大站友) 于 2018-06-03 20:46:16 发表 [回复] [引用] 3 楼
------ 回复: SmallKing(#122241) ------
评论 #128438 由 cxksren (广大站友) 于 2019-01-16 14:40:07 发表 [回复] [引用] 4 楼
评论 #135013 由 woshiqiezi (广大站友) 于 2020-08-22 00:22:14 发表 [回复] [引用] 5 楼
评论 #135351 由 woshiqiezi (广大站友) 于 2020-09-26 21:35:12 发表 [回复] [引用] 6 楼
------ 回复: woshiqiezi(#135013) ------


完成下载 (186) - (只显示最近的 500 个完成)

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